If you watch The Golf Channel for any amount of time, you’ve seen either the 30-second, 60-second, or 30-minute commercials for AJ Reveals the Truth about Golf. You’ve no doubt seen Da Bat and wondered just what point it might offer. You’ve seen AJ’s “reduce your handicap by 30% and increase your drives by 30 yards in 90 days” guarantee.
I’m a 6-9 handicapper who has a slightly open stance, a strong grip, and a slight high draw. I average about 275 off the tee when I’m playing well and have a relatively solid short game. I was skeptical that AJ Bonar could do much to help my game.
This is the part of the review in which – if it were an infomercial – I’d say “boy, was I wrong!” Unfortunately, I was not. AJ did very little, if anything, to help my game. This doesn’t mean the videos are worthless: just that they didn’t help me a whole lot.