The next ten “Tip of the Day”s are being taken from an article by Dr. Bob Rotella for Golf Digest, titled “Inside the Golfer’s Mind.” We’re paraphrasing, changing the language a little, and condensing his typical three to four paragraphs into one or two. This is tip nine of ten: the butterflies are your friends.
People get butterflies all the time. Before their first child is born. When they’re up for a promotion. When they need to hit a shot 215 over water to win a $5 nassau.
Butterflies are good. They demonstrate that you care. That you want to do a good job. That you’ve put yourself in a position to do something great. Nobody gets butterflies doing routine things.
Butterflies can be bad if you let them overcome you, if you let the fear overcome you. Fear alone is not bad either – being overtaken is what kills ya. Learn to make the butterflies your friends, and you’ll have a lot more blue skies in your future.