The next ten “Tip of the Day”s are being taken from an article by Dr. Bob Rotella for Golf Digest, titled “Inside the Golfer’s Mind.” We’re paraphrasing, changing the language a little, and condensing his typical three to four paragraphs into one or two. This is tip two of ten: them’s the breaks.
Golf is an unpredictable and sometimes unfair game: your opponent thins his approach, bounces it off a turtle swimming merrily in the water, and ends up three feet from the pin. Your drive, 30 yards past him, sits in a divot, hits the flagstick, and careens into the bunker. Them’s the breaks – learn to love ’em. After all, they’re a big part of the game you chose to play. (Golf, in case you were confused.)
Nobody perfects the game of golf. Sometimes a perfectly struck drive windsd up in a divot. Sometimes it’s the divot you took yesterday. And sometimes the same thing happens to your opponent. Golf is a game of breaks, and it’s the game you’re playing. Getting mad won’t help. Getting frustrated won’t help. Roll with it – there’s nothing you can do. Them’s the breaks.