Beer Cart Girls

Vote for your favorite beer cart girl. Win, uhhh, nothing for yourself!

beer_cart_girl.jpgI’m a nearly married man who doesn’t drink, so I’m not sure what the buzz about hot beer cart girls is. If anything, they’re just an on-course distraction and a reason for a 10-minute delay every time they circle by in their short shorts, tight shirts, and cute little hats.

I’d much rather appreciate the beer cart girls (while enjoying a nice, cold glass of milk) off of the course! And now I can: is bringing us over 100 Beer Cart Girl photos. You won’t see these images many other places, though you may want to check out Mia R is pictured at right in, of all things, a sand trap.

Almost makes me want to order a beer. Or eighteen.

2 thoughts on “Beer Cart Girls”

  1. What’s the deal with this stupid emoticons? I’m a happily married (very) man, and I rarely buy anything from the cart girls, but what the fuck? You must be dead.

  2. If anything the beer cart girl speeds up the pace of play because if she wasn’t out there then everyone would be waiting in line to buy their beer. or soda or whatever. We are here to help you golfers! And we are nice to look at..

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