Winter Fitness

Heading into winter? Exercise, ya lazy fool!

Golf FitnessGolfers in many parts of the world are about to be hit – or have already been hit – by a plague collectively known as “winter.” Winter golf is what it is: if you live near an indoor driving range, you can hit balls. You can watch golf on TV, you can swing in your basement, and you can putt on your living room carpet. But what if you want to stay fit?

The Sand Trap .com will soon be reviewing the Golf Fitness Guide. We’re impressed with the virtual weight of the eBook: 240 pages. If you are looking for a fitness program to keep your game in shape through the snowdrifts of winter, you may want to check out the ebook. Or wait for our review in a week or two… Or try golf pilates, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Thanks, Aaron.

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