SkyCaddie Review

This GPS unit can tell you the exact distances to greens and trouble. Just don’t use it in competition or you may find yourself in trouble.

SkyCaddieWe all know the routine. It’s fairly well ingrained in every decent golfer, and it goes a little something like this:

  1. Arrive at your drive and set down your bag.
  2. Wander around looking for a sprinkler head.
  3. Pace forward or backward to get a better yardage.
  4. Estimate how much the angle of your approach affects the yardage.
  5. Estimate how deep the green is and where the pin is placed, and add those calculations to the mix.
  6. Perform complex math in your head, give up, and then just guess at the correct yardage.
  7. Choose a club and hit the ball.

Imagine cutting three steps from that ordeal:

  1. Arrive at your drive and set down your bag.
  2. Look at the location of the flag on the green.
  3. Unclip a device from your belt and read a number or two from it to get the precise yardage.
  4. Choose a club and hit the ball.

Ballzee, the Pocket Ball Washer

It’s every man’s dream: Ballzee cleans your balls, fits in your pocket, and stays wet for hours.

Ballzee LogoWhen I was a kid playing high school golf, I was content to pick up my ball on the greens, spit on it, rub it clean, wipe my hands on my pants, and putt out. As I’ve grown older (and had to launder my own clothing), I’ve become a bit more particular about where I wipe my hands. Carrying around a little towel – or unclipping your regular towel 18 times per round – can be a bit of a hassle.

Enter Ballzee, a ball washer for your pocket.


CaddyPatches – suede leather impact markers – cost less and offer less hassle than impact tape. Why haven’t you switched?

caddypatch.jpgHey there. Got a second? I’d like to ask you a quick question: How do you tell where your club hit the ball on a mis-hit?

If you’re anything like I was a little over a year ago, your answer is probably some variation of “Look for the sky mark.” But, as you play and improve, you’ll eventually have a few lessons and the pro will pull out those little pieces of paper.

You put them on your club, you hit a few shots to see where you’re hitting the ball on your clubface, and then you throw them away. The little papers work, but who wants to mess with peeling stickers every two or three shots? Besides, they sure are expensive, aren’t they?

Enter the CaddyPatch.

G Clip

The G Clip is not something you’d find in a strip club, but it is something you’ll find on the belts of practical golfers.

G Clip ColorsThroughout my years of golfing, I’ve developed a system. Tees and and coins in one pocket, pencil and ball mark repair tool in other. If I put my pencil in with the tees, well, it’s hard to tell the difference quickly, and the same can be said of mixing repair tool and coin. If I’m thirsty at the turn and only have three quarters, well, it’s PowerAde or ball markers for the back nine. PowerAde usually wins out.

I’ve tried ball markers in the past. One slipped on to the grip end of my putter, but after losing 27 ball markers in the bottom of my bag I gave up on it. The ball marker you find on gloves is inexcusably cheesy, as are the ones that you find on some shoes. They all paled in comparison to a simple quarter or dime.

Then I tried the 4-in-one G Clip.

Ogio Exo Stand Bag

Ogio’s Exo has a Woode™, and you will too after you give this stand bag a try.

Ogio Exo Bag LeftFor the past ten years, I’ve used a Titleist stand bag I purchased with my winnings in a golf tournament when I was 17. The Titleist worked well – and worked particularly well after I replaced its single strap with a dual strap from Izzo.

Unfortunately, in the past few years, the full-length (cloth material) dividers have torn up a bit. Putting a club away became an adventure in jiggling the bag and trying to find a slot into which the grip could fit. Otherwise, well, clubs were sticking out an extra six or ten inches all over the place. It had become just plain silly.

I like Titleist equipment, but their bags are simply overpriced. I’ve checked out the quality of the recent series of bags, and it’s just not there. Rebranded Sun Mountain bags at a premium price didn’t set well with me, so I looked elsewhere. And I found what may be one of the best stand bags around: the Ogio Exo stand bag.

Stinger Tees

Stinger Tees – yet another tee that helps you hit the ball further. The difference? These actually make sense, and are affordable too!

Ever since seeing The Golf Channel‘s Playing Lessons from the Pros with Cobra Long-Drive Champs Jason Zuback and Brian Pavlet, I’ve been intrigued by the “Stinger tee.” Zuback and Pavlet recommended it as “necessary equipment” that gives them an advantage. When LPGA cutie Laura Diaz professed to using the same tees in her Playing Lesson I had to give Earl Weiss, owner of Stinger Tees, a ring.

A few days later, I had my grubby paws on some 2¼” and 3″ Pro XL Competition Stinger tees. The tees are as attractive – the natural wood grain doesn’t leave paint marks on my clubs – as they are functional. The thinner tees are easier to stick into hard ground and the sharper points make these tees great groove cleaners. My course’s superintendent is a fan of Stinger tees too: “they don’t chew up our mower blades as much as thicker tees or those damned plastic tees.”

Burton Golf Club-Lok Bag

The Club-Lok golf bag from Burton Golf will keep your clubs safe.

burton_clublok.jpgI’ve heard plenty of horror stories of people dropping their golf bag in the rack outside the pro shop, running into the bathroom or some such activity, coming out and finding clubs or even their whole bag missing. To try to curb this kind of theft, a new and interesting twist on golf bag design is here from Burton Golf called the Club-Lok golf bag, incorporating the Club-Lok Golf Club Theft Prevention System.

Utilizing a normal club organizer top with fourteen graphite shaft-friendly openings, the Club-Lok incorporates a hidden security system comprised of fourteen pairs of clamps which, when locked, prevent club removal. It appears from the animation on the product’s web site, that the locking feature basically prevents the club grip from sliding through the opening of the clamp. I suppose this is fundamentally secure since grips are kind of hard to get off by yanking on the club head.

Epoch Tees

Can tees really improve your golf game? Perhaps sometimes it’s just the confidence.

Epoch Pure LaunchWe’ve previously written about the epoch-3 tees from Evolve Golf here at The Sand Trap .com in an article titled “Tees Me.” We’ve even reviewed another kind of tee, the Brush-T. What is up with all of these tee reviews? Tees are just a peg? You put your ball on them, then you hit the ball hard. Simple, right?

Not so, says Evolve Golf (and the Brush-T folks). When a ball is struck from a standard wooden tee, friction between the tee and the ball at the moment of impact can have a dramatic effect on both the distance and accuracy of your drives. This is true of deflection as well: the relatively hard lip of a standard wooden tee can redirect your ball slightly, imparting spin and sending it in the wrong direction. The Brush-T, for example, can grant you up to an extra four yards and 3% better accuracy! The epoch-3 was independently tested to deliver an extra 1.81 yards in distance and 2.34 yards more accuracy.

Segway as Caddy?

The Segway looks to make some green on the greens of your club with the “GT” model.

SegwayThe rumors are true: a golf-specific Segway is in the works. The “Segway GT” comes equipped to carry an ice chest, a scorecard, GPS equipment, and your clubs.

Segway officials showed off the GT at the PGA Fall Expo in the Las Vegas Convention Center. Several rounds of beta testing followed, and the company said that the product should be on the market by the end of the year (just in time for winter!). The suggested retail price is expected to be around or above $5,000, a number slightly higher than the Segway’s top speed of 12.5 MPH.

Segway HT America, the Houston-based distributor of Segway LLC, said the GT allows a foursome to play faster by transporting each golfer individually to his or her ball, and along cart paths, inclines and fairways. The company said the unit’s lightweight size and differential wheel is gentle on turf — allowing access to areas where standard golf cars generally are not allowed.

Funny, but we here at The Sand Trap .com thought that walking allowed you to do that too. And save $5,000+!