Volume Two Hundred Twenty Four

Tiger’s sorry, Poulter’s pretty in pink, and Stevie is ready to kick butt!

Hittin' the LinksHello again golf fans and welcome to Hittin’ the Links. It was quite a weekend for the golf fan, plenty to see and listen to, and some of it actually included hitting golf balls.

In this edition of HTL we start off looking again at the Tiger Situation, the speech, the circus that was Sawgrass, and Stevie’s warning. Then we turn our attention to drunk cart driving, find out who the Dalai Lama has never heard of, and do a wrap-up of the week’s events. Read on!

Volume Two Hundred Twenty Three

Couples wins, we’re having a prime time U.S. Open, and a tiger-less match play.

Hittin' the LinksHello and welcome to Hittin’ the Links. I don’t know about you but I actually enjoyed watching the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am this week, and it’s been a long time since I could say that. Was it actually less annoying this year or was it just me?

Anyway, in this volume of HTL we start of looking at the tabloid circus that is Tiger Woods’ life, then turn our attention to the Kia Classic, and check out some prime time golf. Also, we look at the Accenture Match Play, take notice of David Duval’s comeback, and do a wrap-up of the week’s events. Read on!

Volume Two Hundred Twenty Two

Tiger gets some family time, Stricker gets to number 2, and the Match Play’s field is set…maybe.

Hittin' the LinksGood morning golf fans, and welcome again The Sand Trap‘s Hittin’ the Links. Even in a weekend dominated by football, there was still quite a bit going on in the golf world. A whole column could be devoted to Tiger Woods alone!

In this newest volume we start off by quelling some Tiger Rumors, find out who made the Match Play, and check out Bubba on Ellen. Also, we investigate some tough times for country clubs, see who became Assistant Ryder Cup Captains, and do a wrap-up on the week’s events. Read on!

Volume Two Hundred Twenty One

Lefty is mad, John Daly isn’t really quitting, and Tom Watson bags on Tiger

Hittin' the LinksHello again Sand Trap fans and welcome to Hittin’ the Links. The world of golf has been busy with more than a few big stories going on. Too bad not many of them are of a positive nature.

In this edition of HTL we start off with a couple of looks at the Mickelson cheating allegations, then turn our attention to the very sad world that is Ken Green’s, and take note that JD is not actually retiring. Also, we find out what Tom Watson had to say about Tiger, investigate the actual story from Tiger Woods’ wreck, and do a recap of the week’s winners. Read on!

Volume Two Hundred Twenty

A Monday finish at the Hope, Jim Thorpe’s going to jail, and is Elin in Mississippi?

Hittin' the LinksHello again golf fans and welcome to Hittin’ the Links. It’s a Monday finish for the boys on the PGA Tour. We will see how Mr. Bubba Watson holds up under the pressure.

In this volume of HTL we start off by examining the lack of star power at the Bob Hope Classic, check out yet another reason why golf is great, and find out why Jim Thorpe is headed to the big house. Also, we see how the Tiger-less Tour is struggling, investigate the latest Tiger-Elin gossip, and do a wrap-up of events from around the world. Check it out!

Volume Two Hundred Nineteen

Tiger’s in treatment, the groove checkers are out there, and John Daly is having a hard time getting recognized

Hittin' the LinksHello golf fans and welcome again to Hittin’ the Links. Anyone else besides me wish they were in Hawaii right now? Wow, what great weather they had for the Sony Open this week. Not that I am complaining – I still got to play twice this weekend.

In this newest volume of HTL we start off by finding out where Tiger is, then check out the Champions skins game, and investigate a bad golfers golf trip. Also on tap, we look into the groove police, find out what up in JD land, and do a wrap-up of the Sony Open. Read on!

Volume Two Hundred Eighteen

Lots of free advice for Tiger, the PGA Tour Season gets underway, and Ogilvy already has a win

Hittin' the LinksHello golf fans and welcome again to Hittin’ the Links. Well the PGA Tour season is off and running, with or without Tiger Woods. Seems to me everyone surrounding the Tour is still trying to convince themselves they will be alright without him. Easy there boys, golf was here before him and will be around long after he is gone, you guys just might have to take a pay cut.

In this newest volume of HTL we begin with a look at the good and the bad, find out what Jack thinks about Tiger’s season, and see what advice Tiger got from Butch. Also, we investigate the Royal Trophy, take a look at Kapalua, and do a rundown on this week’s tour event. Read on!

Volume Two Hundred Seventeen

The Worst Golf Year Ever, Stevie’s got some extra vacation time, and JD defends Tiger

Hittin' the LinksWelcome back Sand Trappers to the very first HTL of 2010. And what a break we had – it would be possible to link to nothing but Tiger stories if need be. But what fun would there be in that? There is much more going on out there besides Tiger.

In this first Hittin’ the Links of 2010 we start off looking at the loss of a pioneer, see what Stevie is doing on his indefinite vacation, and find out what we can take from Tiger’s debacle. Also on tap, we investigate Sergio’s newest injury, do a recap of the best tournaments of 2009, and see who has stepped up on Tiger’s behalf. Read on!

Volume Two Hundred Sixteen

Tiger is the brunt of some jokes, Monty needs a ride, and Q-school is down to the wire.

Hittin' the LinksHello and welcome again to Hittin’ the Links. It’s almost time for a long winter nap, but HTL has one last hurrah before vacation time.

In this final column of 2009 we start off with some Tiger news, then turn our attention to Colin Montgomerie’s driving record, and find out about Doug Barron’s appeal. Also on tap, we look at the LPGA Q-School, see how the PGA Tour Q-School is going, and do a wrap-up of the week’s silly season events. Read on!