Volume Three Hundred Five

Mahan wins in the desert, Stanford wins in Singapore, and Huh wins in Mexico.

Hittin' the LinksHello again golf fans and thanks for joining me for another hittin’ the links. After all the excitement caused by McIlroy vs. Westwood, the final of the Accenture Match Play seemed somewhat anti-climactic. Congratulations has to go out to Hunter Mahan though, maybe now everyone will begin to forget that chip in the Ryder Cup two years ago.

In this edition of HtL we begin with Rocco Mediate discussing golf, then check out some good vacation spots, and find out what has Keegan Bradley in hot water. Also on tap, we check out what Trump is doing now, look at FedEx signing up for five more years, and do a wrap-up of the weeks events. Read on!

Volume Three Hundred Four

Accenture pairings, John Daly withdraws again, and Johnny Miller knows it all.

Hittin' the LinksHello golf nuts, thank you for joining me for another Hittin’ the Links. While I was definitely rooting for Phil to pull off his second win in a row on Sunday, I have to give it up to Bill Haas and that clutch putt in the play-off. One minute it looks like he’s scrambling to stay in the game, and the next he is holding the hardware; it was pretty awesome.

In this edition of HtL we begin with a look at the Accenture pairings, then we investigate the final destination of one of Phil’s tee shots, and check out Natalie Gulbis in a bikini. Also, we find out what’s wrong with John Daly, investigate what Johnny Miller thinks about most everything, and do a wrap-up of the weeks events. Read on!

Nine Holes With the History of Golf Part One: Pre-Palmer

We take a look at the last 150 years in golf.

ProfilesUnlike sports like baseball or football, golf’s eras have been primarily defined and dominated by a key one or two players. While baseball is divided into eras based on the differences of the game (Dead and Lively Ball Eras, Integration Era, Free Agency Era, Steroid Era) and football and basketball are mostly defined by mergers, golf’s era are most easily divided by the dominant player, and these great players actually cut up the history of golf up quite well. Because 150 years of golf is tough to cut down, today we’ll look at everything before Arnold Palmer, right up to and including the Nelson/Hogan/Snead Era.

From the ancient history of the early Open Championship days, to the relative parity of the 1980s and early 1990s, to the modern Tiger Woods era, golf is just begging to be split up and defined. So let’s do it.

Volume Three Hundred Three

A slow play injury, Phil pummels Pebble, and Lee’s mum is disappointed.

Hittin' the LinksHello sports fans and thank you for joining me for another Hittin’ the Links! How about Phil Mickelson! I have always been a fan of Phil, but I really root for him now that I am over 40. I always like it when the older guys take home a title. Nothing against the young guns, I just can’t always relate.

In this edition of HtL we begin with a phone call from Lee Westwood’s mom, then investigate a interesting golf injury, and take a look at a golfers’ dictionary. Also, we check out the Donald’s newest feud, find out why America should forgive Tiger, and do a wrap-up of the week’s events. Read on!

Five PGA Tour Rookies to Watch For in 2012

We take a look at 2012’s incoming freshmen.

Trap Five LogoAt the beginning of the season last year, I was trying (just as I am now) to write a column documenting the various rookies on the PGA Tour. And while there were a few nice stories, there simply just wasn’t enough to fill out a whole article. Fast forward to the PGA Championship at Atlanta Athletic Club, when Tour rookie Keegan Bradley was in the mix, and I began lamenting not writing the column. Bradley would to be the main fixture of the article, because while he didn’t start with the highest of expectations, I knew more about him than most people, since we went to the same high school. (For the record, the other names I had written down were Jamie Lovemark, Justin Hicks, Kevin Chappell, Nate Smith, and Michael Thompson).

Unfortunately, there was simply not enough there, and a year of lamenting that fact has led me to this. Luckily, 2012 has provided us with a few more big names (a full list can be found here), as well as some nice stories, so without further ado, here are five Tour rookies likely to make a splash in 2012.

Volume Three Hundred Two

Tiger fades, Q-School changes, and Bubba gets a new car

Hittin' the LinksGood day fellow golfers, and welcome to the latest edition of Hittin’ the Links. I have to say that I thought Tiger was going to pull it out in the desert. When I watched the first few rounds he just looked like he had that intensity back in his eyes. Anyway its not like he just completely fell apart, he did manage at least an even par final round.

In this volume of HtL we begin with a look at a very good 14 year old, then investigate a gentleman lacking in his parenting skills, and find out what Finchem has in store for Q-School. Also, we say welcome back to J.B. Holmes, check out Bubba’s new car, and do a wrap-up of the week’s events. Read on!

TRUE Linkswear 2012 Line

TRUE linkswear springs into 2012 with the addition of the new TRUE phx shoe along with updates the previously released stealth and TRUE tour.

Bag DropThough TRUE linkswear opened for business back in October of 2010 (with the launch of the TRUE tour, reviewed here), in their first year of operation, they’ve gone through tremendous growth and grown into a leader in golf’s minimalist movement, which even the bigger guys in the industry are starting to take part in. Though some may advertise a barefoot experience, the problem is that their shoes still come equipped with large-ish midsoles that elevate the player from the ground. TRUE however, can easily back that claim up by boasting the thinnest sole in golf, clocking in at a whopping 2.5mm, which as they say allows the player to truly “Feel the Course”.

Volume Three Hundred One

It’s the Tony and Tiger Show

Hittin' the LinksHello and good day golf fans and welcome back to another edition of Hittin’ the Links. Tiger has officially made it clear about his displeasure with former coach Hank Haney’s upcoming book. I can’t say I blame him if I was put in the same situation. It seems kind of creepy to me to tell all the man secrets when you were supposed to be a trusted member of his inner circle, but that’s just my opinion.

In this newest edition of HtL we begin with a look at Tiger’s irritation, then turn our attention to Mickelson’s vacation plans, and investigate some confusion at the World Golf Rankings. Also, we check out the team of Romo and Woods, find out who are the “hottest” golfers, and do a wrap-up of the weeks events. Read on!

Pipoe Review

Pipoe takes a different approach to the massive golf aid market. The Pipoe is a simple, convenient and affordable way to practice and build a foundation to the way you practice.

Pipoe StackSearch the Internet for “golf training aids” and you’ll find a variety of gadgets that attach to your body, your club, the ground, your golf bag, etc. You’ll find flimsy and bulky devices ranging in price from $5 to $500. These training aids usually only fulfill a couple purposes, whether it’s fixing swing plane, ingraining an effective putting stroke, or improving swing speed. Hopefully from this review we’ll see how the Pipoe differs by offering an affordable, multi purpose practice aid to golfers, that can be used for as long as you play the game.