Back-Nine Lytes Review

Can an electrolyte pill really help improve your golf game? We tested out Back-Nine Lytes to see if it would help us get through this summer heat.

Back Nine LytesIt seems that whenever I play a round of golf in the summer, I can’t keep my energy level up. I tend to lose my focus and become fatigued around the 14th hole. This is typically caused by dehydration. Most people try to combat that by drinking water. I’ve tried drinking water at every water station on the course and keeping a water bottle with me, but I end up feeling completely bloated and spend most of my time watering trees. Sometimes I’ll turn to a sports drink, but those are a little too syrupy for my tastes, plus I feel like the sugar only provides temporary energy.

Back-Nine Lytes (BNL) is a product that claims to help a golfer overcome dehydration without sugar highs (and lows) and the bloated feelings from too much water. BNL claims to help maintain your concentration and prevent fatigue during your round to ultimately help improve your game. Jason Krause, founder of BNL and known by some people as the “electrolyte’s guy,” sent me some to try, and I put them to the test.

The Product
As the site says:

Back-Nine Lytes are electrolyte replenishment capsules comprised of the critical electrolytes your body needs to function at peak performance: Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, and Calsium. Taken with water, this electrolyte supplement will help prevent dehydration and delay the onset of fatigue. Therefore, you won’t get tired as quickly and you will be more focused and energized, gaining an edge on the back nine (i.e. you won’t physically fade on the 15th or 16th hole).

The capsules come in two containers, convenient eight-packs or bottles of 120. When I spoke with Jason, he suggested that I start hydrating and take one to three capsules prior to my round and then an additional one to three each hour during the round. He said the benefit of the capsule is that since nutrition is not “One-Size-Fits-All” you can tailor your intake based on your individual needs, which vary based on the day, the heat and the course. Additionally, to improve recovery (to do those necessary honey-do chores), he suggested taking two capsules with a bottle of water after the round.

Field Tests
Back Nine Lytes PillsThe first time I put BNL to the test was while walking 18 holes on a nice, hot and humid 90 degree day. The day was about 90 degrees with a bit of humidity that made it quite hot and sticky. I took three pills with a bottle of water about 30 minutes before my tee time and then took two after the 6th and 12th holes. Because I wasn’t sure what to expect, I didn’t follow Jason’s advice and took less than his recommended amount. And I believe this is why I didn’t feel any difference. My energy level, as usual, became quite low. My performance matched my energy level and I slumped in the last few holes of the round. Post round Jason recommends two capsules with a bottle of water for re-hydration and recovery. Following his advice, I did notice a quicker recovery after my round. Normally, after a round like that, I’m good for a two-hour nap. Not this time. I came home and got some yard work done.

A second test I tried was after a night of drinking with my buddies. When Jason and I spoke, he mentioned that since alcohol is a diuretic and a hangover is predominantly dehydration, he said B9L with water will facilitate re-hydration and recovery after a long night of spirits. So for testing purposes, I decided I would take one for the team and drink more than my fair share one Friday evening (which I did) and would follow it up with four pills and a glass of water before bed (which I also did). When I woke up the next morning, I had a headache, but that was it. I had no hangover and I definitely should have had one. I popped two more pills with some water and was going about my normal day in less than an hour.

My final test was one of the more rigorous tests I could come up with. A buddy of mine had his birthday party on a Saturday evening and I was scheduled for a 7:30am tee time on Sunday. His party started at 4 pm on Saturday with shots of Jose Cuervo, which let me know I was in for a long night. I decided to duck out of the party at around 1am. I took four pills and drank two glasses of water before passing out. The next morning I awoke and immediately popped three more pills with a bottle of water. Surprisingly, I felt quite decent. I continuted to drink a bottle of water every hour and take two BNL pills. I felt great, and while I didn’t play that well, my energy level and stamina remained high throughout the heat (105° with high humidity).

Back-Nine Lytes provided me with a consistent level of energy (when taken as recommended) and helped me maintain my focus to finish my round(s) strong. My recommendation is to give them a try. I’ll continue to use them. Since I’ve played the game, I’ve always had a difficult time finishing my round strong. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve let a good round slip through my fingers. While they didn’t help with my scores, Back-Nine Lytes did help me maintain my stamina and endurance while playing all 18 holes.

I’ve got a golf trip coming up at the end of August where I’ll be playing 36 holes a day for three straight days. Needless to say, I’ll need my energy level to be high to even finish that many holes. Well, I’ve already added one item to my suitcase and that’s Back-Nine Lytes.

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