Happy Holidays from The Sand Trap

The Sand Trap is going on holiday until 2007. Thanks for an awesome 2006, folks, and merry wishes this holiday season!

St. Andrews SnowThe Sand Trap wants to take this opportunity to thank you and yours for stopping by. Everyone here at The Sand Trap wishes you nothing but the happiest of holidays and plenty of birdies in 2007.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank those who have helped us through our first full year, including Titleist, all the sponsors of The Newport Cup, and all of our readers.

Though this portion of our site will be “closed” until the new year (January 8, to be precise), we still invite everyone to join our forum (it’s free). Share with us what you want – or what you get – for Christmas!

We’ll be back soon. Until then, can anyone recommend a large-headed shovel with the latest in graphite shaft technology? I’ve looked everywhere at titleist.com and can’t find anything!

2006 Newport Cup Wrapup

Or “Sand Trappers versus Sand Baggers,” as this year’s event (jokingly) came to be called.

Newport CupThe 2006 edition of the Newport Cup was played last week, October 13-15, near Greensboro, North Carolina. The Blue team, this year consisting of Sand Trap staff members, took on a red-clad team of former staff members and special guests.

The result? A whole lot of laughs, less than expected amounts of booze, more than a few comments about the cold weather, and, in the end, a defeat for the heavily favored Blue Team, who jokingly took to referring to the event as “Sand Trappers versus Sand Baggers.”

What follows is a quick recap of the scoring. We’d go into more depth, but believe me, recounting the tale of our loss is hard enough without all the gory details!

2006 Newport Cup

The 2006 Newport Cup will be held October 13-15 near Greensboro, North Carolina. Thanks to our sponsors, this will be another fun weekend.

Newport CupThe U.S. team may have lost the Ryder Cup, but that has not put a damper on the 16 contestants that will partake in the second annual Newport Cup. This year it’s “the staff versus the challengers” in the red-clay area of North Carolina on October 13, 14, and 15.

The Newport Cup is named after the location of the first U.S. Open, the Newport Golf and Country Club in Rhode Island. Held in 1895, professional golfer Horace Rawlins of England was the first champion.

The Blue and Red teams will return, and the staff (much like the dominating Europeans) will wear blue. The challengers, like the blood they’ll likely shed in defeat, will wear red. The stains won’t show, we figure. <grin>

Golf Talk ‘Moving’ Special Edition

We’re putting together a special podcast, and we want you to be involved.

Site NewsStarting this week, the Golf Talk Podcast will be moving to Monday/Tuesday recording sessions with publication on Wednesdays. To make up for the short week (from earlier today until Monday or Tuesday), we’re going to put together another “Special Edition” podcast with your help.

To get in this Special Edition podcast, you simply have to record yourself talking about a golf-related subject and send the file to us by Tuesday, August 1. Record in the highest quality you can (16 bit, 44.1 kHz, AIFF or WAV preferred) and send your podcast to podcast@thesandtrap.com. We’ll cobble together the best of what’s submitted and roll it together into our special edition.

Subscribe to Comments

Gone are the days of having to remember to check back to read new comments. Now you can be notified automatically!

Site NewsA few days ago, we implemented a new feature here at The Sand Trap: “subscribe to comments.”

Next to the “Post Comment” button at the bottom of every article here at TST, you’ll see a checkbox that says “Subscribe to Comments.” If you check it, you’ll be sent an email every time someone else responds to the same article. They may be responding to you. If you wish to unsubscribe, each email contains a link that allows you to do so.

Print Style Sheet Added

It’s now a lot easier to print articles here at The Sand Trap.

Site NewsThanks to the (not-so-) modern miracle of cascading style sheets (CSS), today we’re introducing a long overdue feature here at The Sand Trap: printer-specific style sheets for cleaner prints.

Any browser capable of understanding media directives can take advantage of this new functionality. Simply choose “Print” in your browser – be it Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc. – and a cleaner version of the article you’re currently viewing will print.

By “cleaner” we mean without the background, the right-hand column, the tabs or images at the top, and with all links written out (because, unfortunately, you can’t click links on a piece of paper).

Give it a try – we think you’ll like it. Just print normally in your browser. If you’re the cautious type, check the print preview.

Server Move

We’re back up and running on a brand new (and more powerful) server.

Site NewsWe’ve completed a switch to a new server. Everything, including our forum, seem to be working quite smoothly. If you see any problems, however, please report them to problems@thesandtrap.com. Thanks!

Now, back to the golf…

Wanted: Bag Drop Writer

We’re looking for a new Bag Drop author. Are you what we seek?

Bag DropAre you a golf equipment nut? The type of gearhead who is on the cutting edge of the latest clubs and balls? If you are, and you like to write, I have one more question for you: would you like to join the staff of The Sand Trap and write the Bag Drop, our weekly equipment feature?

I started the Bag Drop last summer, and I’ve enjoyed writing it and getting great feedback from fellow golfers and golf industry folks. My travel schedule is about to get much busier, however, and I won’t have time to give The Bag Drop the attention it deserves. I’ll still be a part of The Sand Trap staff, popping in with a review or a story when I have the chance. But you’ll be in charge of the Bag Drop, which is a lot of fun to write.

Sand Trap Pals

The side bar has been reorganized a little and now we have room to link to our Web Friends!

I did a little reorganization today. You may not see much difference, but the right-hand sidebar/navigation area is a little cleaner. It may change even later today.

Cleaning up the sidebar allowed me to put in the long-overdue “random link.” We don’t have the room for a full, permanent “linklist,” so we’ve compromised by linking to one of our Web Friends at a time. The source of our random list is available here. If you’re not on it and you feel you should be, email us. We do want to keep our random list filled with only frequently updated blogs, so if your last post was in August 2005, well, there’s little need to inquire.