Scotty Cameron has pretty much held the same weight/length characteristics with his various Newport lines over the years with few exceptions. For the most part, the 33″ length was matched with a 350-gram head, the 34″ with a 340-gram head, and the 35″ getting a 330-gram head. Other than swapping shafts with a heavier head (or vise versa), you were pretty much stuck with whatever weight head came with the correct shaft length for your physical makeup and putting stroke.
For those of us who prefer a little more heft in our putter head and don’t want to use lead tape, the new Studio Select line fits us perfectly. The Studio Selects feature removable weights that let you fine-tune the weight that works best for you.
I’ve spent the last two years using a Studio Style Newport 2 and really like the softer feel of the insert, so even though the Studio Select Newport 2 looks similar, I was a little hesitant to give up the feel to which I’d become accustomed. Read on to find out if I ditched the insert and went all milled.
Design, Looks and Setup
For those of you who didn’t like the German Stainless Steel (GSS) insert on the Studio Style line, it is now a thing of the past. The Studio Select putters are milled from a block of 303 stainless steel and provide a slightly different feel and sound compared to the GSS insert of the Studio Style. I actually grew to like the insert of the Studio Style so this was a little bit of change for me. More on that later.
While the Newport 2 style head is similar to ones in the past, there are some pretty noticeable changes with the Studio Select version as it looks like a combination of a few different heads. If you to look at from the face side, you would think you were looking at the Mil-Spec with the three red dots and the Cameron name as well as a more rounded bottom. Also a very distinctive milling patten make the face look quite sharp.
Another difference from past Newports is the high toe set-up that reduces the tendency for players to raise the toe and aim left of target. I found this to be a very nice addition.
Two body styles are available, the Newport or the ever so slightly less “boxy” Newport 2. The Newport features a plumbing neck while the Newport 1.5 features a flare neck. If the Newport 2 head is more your liking you have the option of either a plumbing neck or a mid-slant neck.
The Selects feature a stepless steel shaft that helps to soften the feel – a nice touch. It also comes with one of my favorite things – the Red Cameron cord grip. The red theme continues with three large Cherry dots on the back of the putter, three smaller Cherry dots towards the heel of the face, three Cherry dots on the shaftbands, and three rather large Cherry dots on the reflective silver headcover.
Perhaps the biggest change, however, is the removable circular sole weights located in the heel and toe. No longer are you held to a certain weight for a certain length shaft as you can send the Studio Select into the Custom Shop and get some different weights for your particular putting stroke (if the standard configuration doesn’t work for you). It remains to be seen however if you’ll be able to go to your local authorized Titleist dealer to get the weights changed rather than having to send it to the Custom Shop.
Performance & Feel
I’ve been putting with a Scotty Cameron Studio Style Newport 2 for the past couple of golf seasons so I figured “hey, it can’t be that big of a difference.” Well, not exactly.
I’m not sure what the difference between German vs. American stainless steel (or any other country’s stainless steel for that matter) but I had grown accustomed to the soft feel of the insert and almost hated to see it go. After two years of getting used to that particularly soft feel and the more muted sound, I noticed an immediate change when I switched to the all-milled Studio Select. I adjusted, but it took a few rounds.
Once I became accustomed to the firmer feel (the audible difference didn’t bother me at all) and saw a fair share of putts drop, I really started to like the Studio Select. What really made the transition easy was, of all things, the red Cameron cord grip. I’m serious! I’ve putted with the smooth Studio Design grip and its a bit small for my longer fingers but the cord fits beautifully and the tactile feel is great. For me, this might be the best grip I have ever used on any putter, hands down. I don’t think its just me that thinks this grip is great as I’ve let a couple of golfing buddies hold it and both asked where they could get one for their putters.
The other detail that helped ion me over was the additional weight. My Studio Style weighs 340 grams while the Studio Select I tested came in at 350 grams. While it doesn’t seem to be a huge difference it was noticeable and really helped me maintain a smooth, controlled stroke. I really liked the overall weight of the 34″/350g combo as it just “felt right” from the moment I picked it up out of the box.
With the additional weight, distance control was a breeze and I found it pretty easy to gauge the distance on putts of every length. The Studio Select has a very nice balance to it and swings quite easily as it accelerates through the stroke. The toe flow (or “toe hang”) helps you maintain a nice arc without the feeling of having to manipulate the release of the putter head. Lining up with the ball is a snap with the white alignment line (although you may choose to go without the alignment line – that’s an option!).
As for feel and feedback, the Studio Select provides a good amount of both. When struck perfectly (or very closely to), the feeling is very smooth with a subtle bit of “springy” feeling that lets you know you caught it on the sweet spot. Off-center hits feel a bit “clanky” and produce a different sound. These aren’t super-high MOI putters (though they will help some), so you are not rewarded much on poorly struck putts. The putt still rolls nicely and very nearly online, but your distance will suffer some and you can definitely feel the difference.
Both Newport models are available in 33″, 34″, and 35″ lengths and come with a lie angle of 71° and 4° of loft standard. The Studio Select can be adjusted +/- 2 degrees from their standard lie in order to fit your individual putting stroke. The 303 stainless is a nice soft metal to work with, so adjusting your lie should be a snap.
All models in the Studio Select line are available right-handed. For the lefties out there, the Newport 2 model is available in all three lengths as well.
The Red Cameron Cord comes standard but you can also choose from the Black Studio Design, Red Studio Design, Black Baby T, Red Baby T, and Red Winn AVS Midsize for your custom orders. If none of those suit your fancy, don’t forget the Custom Shop has many more to choose from as well as some new paintfills and headcovers to make your Studio Select stand out.
Speaking of standing out, the standard sliver headcover with the three large Cherry dots does just that and is quite gaudy in my opinion. I much prefer something a bit more toned down (and certainly not silver) so that’ll end up being something I will end up replacing (I do like the black versions you can get at the Custom Shop).
The Studio Select line will run you $299 at your favorite golf shop. That’s at the high end for putters, but considering you’re going to use this 30+ times a round compared to a $300-$400 driver you may hit a third of that, and suddenly the price point doesn’t look too bad at all.
I really like the direction Scotty Cameron is going with all the customization options you can make to the Studio Select line. Being able to chose a weight/length combination that is the best for your individual putting stroke makes this a must-try when you are out shopping for putters. I found this to be a very solid performer and if you like a blade-style putter, you owe it to yourself to give one a shot.
In the end, I made the switch from my Studio Style primarily due to the extra weight and the cord grip. Those little differences have provided me with a bit more confidence on the green as I finally feel that I have a putter that was made to my specifications.
I have always loved the way the the Newports have set up and felt but the only thing that has turned me off from them is that they are really light putter and I have always liked a heavier putter, but after reading this I might take a look at these. But that 300 dollar tag is still a bit of a turn off.
Never had one of his overly expensive putters,and I’m not liable to either. I find the two, and three ball putter mallet style fits my game more and I was impressed with Cleveland’s alignment system on their new putter for far less money. Each to their own, but really is it really worth the money they are asking??
There were 3 of these in the pro shop. I was never a fan of Cameron putters.
…….I picked one up of these up
Every week for the last 3 I admired it’s heft and graceful beauty.
Every week another one would disappear.
Last week, I toyed with it again, put it down and went to warm up. I couldn’t get it out of my mind, I had to have it!
Now there are no more in the shop and I own my first Cameron.
Words fail to adequately describe this putter.
Guess you’ll never know eh? Unfrotunate, because the feel of a putter milled from one solid piece of metal is very difficult to describe. As far as price goes, I find it interesting that someone would balk at 300.00 for a club they use every single hole, but won’t think twice about dropping 400.00 on a driver, and then putting a 150.00 shaft in it.
Hopefully the newport 2.6 will be out later this year, as well as not having to send in your putter for weight changes. This system would work 1000% better if you could change weights for faster/slower greens. Also the milling pattern is identical to the studio style newports, so the caption on the black background picture is incorrect. Would have loved to game these, but not enough changes to warrant a new one from my studio style.
I have played 2 versions of the Newport 2 for 8 years now and love the putter. Being a lefty, I wish they had more options for us. I cannot wait to try this one and see what the weights on the bottom do to the feel.
I’ve been a SC collector for a while now and have to say that the SSL (Studio Select) has been one of the best feeling OTR’s to date. I think it’s very comparable to the TeI3’s. I got the SSL Newport in 34/360 and it is wonderful.
I own many Cameron putters. I’ve owned many different Newport models over the years. My last putter is a 34″ Detour which I love. I prefer to use a 33″ putter and always wanted a Newport model. In the past, Cameron only offered a Newport 2 in 33″ which I own, but preferred a Newport. As soon as this line was available, I didn’t hesitate on getting a Newport. My Newport 2 was last year’s model with the insert which wasn’t my favorite. Now that the Newport is milled out of a solid block of steel, I love the feel and feedback! My Newport is currently at Scotty Cameron undergoing customization. I’ve added a top and flange sight line, changed the paint fill to Translucent Blue and added a custom stamp and my initials. Finally, the new red cord grip is the best grip I’ve ever had the pleasure of having on a putter. Thanks Scotty.
Nice review. I have the Studio Style, but I have putted around in the shop with a Select. While I prefer the feel of the insert in the Style, I agree that the cord grip on the Select is superior. I’ve been planning on sending mine to the custom shop for a little work, so I think I’ll get it regripped with the cord when I do.
I have used a Circa 63 No.2 for the last 2-3 years, one of the original models with the Kangaroo Leather grip and the black oxide finish. It is a great putter milled form carbon steel, but the upkeep is a hassle. When i bought it, i thought wiping it down after each round would be easy, which it was, at first but then you play on a wet day where you need to wipe it down after every stroke! So, needless to say my black shiny putter is now a dull black with rust spots (let me know if there’s a remedy for this), so in saying that i think I’ll be getting one of these new studio select models, Milled from one block of steel and a nice silver color that won’t rust (hopefully). The headcover is a bit out there though, might keep the circa 62 headcover.
I’ve always been a mallet fan myself. I’ve never cared for blades, be they heel-toe weighted or less so (Bullseye, Coronado, etc.).
However, I’ve been using a Newport 2 Mid-Slant Studio Select and I LOVE it. I think part of the reason I’ve always liked mallets is the back alignment line, and the Select I’ve got has the same line that extends off the line of my ball; I don’t like using the face to line things up.
The Studio Select feels great. The feel it transmits is key to maintaining my putting stroke, as even the slightest mis-hit sends a different vibration to my fingertips than a pure hit. Yet even when I mis-hit a putt, I’m not punished by an off-line, off-speed putt; the Studio Select remains fairly forgiving.
I love love love (that’s one for each cherry bomb) my Studio Select.
Thank you! My brother and I each got a new club (we’re juniors, but we’re in the 10-15 handicap range). We had 300$ for each club. I bought the newport 2, and he bought a Taylormade burner (driver). I drop way more putts, especially since my old putter was a crappy junior one that probably weighed 100g. He hits his drives 30 yards further, but I don’t even think it helps his score.
I think I’ve finally found the putter for me. Just picked up my new Studio Select Mid Slant 35/340g yesterday. I actually went out thinking to pick up the RedX 3, but after rolling some balls with it without much success, I picked up the SS Mid Slant on a whim and started holing everything. The weight is just right, and I absolutely LOVE the lack of insert. I’ve never been a fan of inserts and got rid of my first Studio Newport 2 for that reason. Also I find the Mid Slant a much better fit for my eye than the plumbers neck. Great putter and great review!
I have moved from a Milspec to Studio Select and really like the putter however have struggled with the additional weight. To my disappointment it appears as though the options to change the weights are only available if you live in the USA so I am left with the situation of having to purchase a 35″ version and cutting it down to 34 if I want to achieve a 340g putter and have no way to get 330g. I would have assumed the weight change was simple enough that it could be offered to international buyers. Some of the other custom shop offerings are also pretty desirable.
Been a Cameron user for many years, recently picked up the Newport Two Studio Select, it rolls very easy, with the added weight you can really roll the ball with this putter. The grip is just about the best one Scotty has delivered, I do not like the Cherry Bomb headcover, but the putter is awesome…….
Been playing golf little over 2 yrs now. Didn’t realize how important putter is until you start making double bogeys or even triple. Got myself a Newport 2 late 2006. Love it and money well spent! Can’t imagine using any other putter.
Does any body really know if they are going to release the newport 2.6? And if its going to be a limited release? I’ve had my Scotty for 7 years and love the look and feel of it, but that newport 2.6 is badass!!! I want one!!
In the fall, along with the 2.7, Fastback, and Squareback.
someone please tell me that you can have the weight kit available to change the weights as nessary for the speed of greens and feel depending what type of stoke your working on. The word on the street says that you do not have the ability to make your own decisions on the spot, if so what in the world are they thinking when it comes to moving weight around every time you make a change you have to send it in and wait for them to do it…. thats the most rediculous thing i have heard in a while. I would pay another 150.00 to have my own weight kit Can someone tell me I heard wrong please tell me that i heard wrong.
Yep, in my opinion, it’s the best OTR cameron yet. I picked up a 35/midslant and simply love it. It’s my first midslant putter and wish I’d have tried this type of set up before. No more forward press.
It really does seem to be more forgiving on long missed putts and is quite easy to line up. However I would prefer a sight dot over the line.
The only gripe i have with it, is the glare coming off of it mid-day. So actually sent it out for a black oxide type finish. Oh and it would be kinda nice to see an option for a black version of that grip. I just can’t get used to red. 😎
I also just picked up a 34 Mid slant. Awesome putter and the grip and weight are perfect. No more lead tape. I also came from the Studio GSS. There are also a few differences. I find the new one is not as long and slightly wider. Maybe it just in appearance, but that is what I perceive.
Also the pictures showing you a top down view. Something is way up with those!!!!!!!! My putter is NOT that long or that thin. I would like the author of this article to look at those pictures. There is just no way. Something is with the camera. I can’t stand long and thin Anser style of putters and the new Studio Design is not either of those. Its really perfect in my opinion.
Great review, just got my first scotty, the newport 2 studio select and i cant belive what a difference its made. knockd 4 strokes off my putting avarge it looks and feels unbelivable, the best putter ever. simple as that. 😛
I’ve had my 35″ newport 2 for a couple of months and i have taken good care of it but there is still a bit of excessicve wear of the steel on the top and a lot of scatches has anyone else experiecned this
After watching me drool and procrastinate over this putter for months, my missus bought me a SS Newport 2 as a Christmas gift.
Maybe she got tired of me testing it out each time we walked past the golf store. Anway, she still can’t understand how a golf club that hits the ball only a short distance can cost so much.
After my first outing with my Newport 2, I divorced my old TM Rossa Monza Corza and sold it away on ebay, so confident am I am that the Scotty is going to be good for my game.
The build quality and balance are second to none and makes you want to be better putter – just to do the club justice! I even made a New Year’s resolution never to 3-putt with this club, so I guess I’ll need to spend a bit more time on the practice green!
Nobody should be under the impression that this putter (or any putter for that matter) will instantly make you start boxing putts from all over the green. However, if you’re a golfer that already knows how to roll a ball, then you’ll appreciate everything about this range of putters.
I find it difficult to understand why anyone would pay for the high dollar SC clubs. I have played golf for thirty years and have used three putters in that time.
1. Acushnet Bullseye Heavy Blade balanced to my spec’s (for burmuda greens or bent grass during rain).
2. Taylormade Cb.3 balanced to my spec’s
3. Odysey Two Ball center shaft balanced to my spec’s.
I know that balancing your putter maked a huge difference and I don’t mean heel to toe balancing.
I rarely three putt. I find it hard to believe that a Scotty Cameron would drop my score any further.
Since around 1998, I have been using a Scotty Cameron
35″, Newport T3. I have always loved that putter.
However as time passes by that my putting alignment has slipped a bit.
I first took note of the SC Studio 1.5 because of the alignment aid. A month ago, while in Miami, I tried a Newport 1.5 but with a 33″ shaft. I loved it from the first putt. Everything about this putter has helped me get back to “one putts” instead of two or three.
Scotty Cameron has got my vote once again.
Never had a putter other than a Scotty. Have 5 of them – including RedX.
Cant afford to collect cars, so putters it is!
A well struck putt, with the line rolling over and over – best feedback a ball strike can give! Especially when it goes in!
I was once an aspiring teaching pro and have been a Titliest diehard for over 20yrs. The Scotty Cameron line of putters are by far the best tools you can use on a putting green, I have owned well over 10 of these putters and just bought the new SQUAREBACK 1 35in STUDIO SELECT.If you are a player you will look into this putter family it is worth it,like everyone says drive for show putt for dough$$$$$$$$ 😉
Recently, I helped my Dad move to a smaller house. While cleaning out a closet I came across the SC Bullseye putter
that I remember my Dad playing with years ago. I had often thought about that putter (it was in fact the first putter I ever held and the one he used to teach me to putt) but I hadn’t seen it and assumed it was gone for ever. He had carefully wrapped it up and put it away. He has passed it onto me now and I must say it is still the best SC I’ve ever played with.
There are three main types of putters: “Toe-Balanced,” “Face-Balanced” and “45 Degree Hangers.”
So, in Select Family, which one is Toe-Balanced, which one is face-balanced and which one is 45 degrees (or how many degrees)?
It’s very important but no one comment about it.
I picked up the Scotty Newport 2.6 today… they finally made putter in the style that I love… I was skeptical as always when I went to try it out, but it won me over after 3 hours of putting with everything… I’m in love again
I think the Studio Select Newport 2 is Scotty’s best offering in many years. The weight is better (I have a 34 inch), the milling appears to be better than earlier Studio models, the feel is excellent and the grip is by far the best Scotty has produced. I have gone through seven SC putters over the years, and this one is by far the best. Hard to believe he can come up with something any better in a blade/anser style putter.
I have a Studio Style Newport Mid that I have shortened to 34.5″. I find that the larger head and extra weight (370 gms) helpful in maintaining the line of my stroke and the feel of the insert is much softer than a solid milled putter.
Scotty Cameron Putters are a bit more expensive than others, but all the statistics I’ve seen indicate that putting equates to about 35 to 40% of the total number of hits. Why is it that players spend close to $500 plus for a driver and only spend two hundred on a putter in Australia. When I first had a loan of a mates Scotty Cameron Squareback I loved the feel. It just was perfectly balanced and we all know that if you get the right mental confidence you will sink more putts. After using my new squareback for a couple of weeks I am delighted and my playing partners are nbot happy with their losses.