Trion:Z Ionic/Magnetic Bracelet Review

Magnets have long been associated with the ability to enhance the body’s natural healing ability. After trying on the Trion:Z Ionic/Magnetic bracelet I’m still skeptical but keeping an open mind.

Trion:Z Ionic/Magnetic BraceletI thought I could use an “edge” when playing golf to maximize my performance on the course. I was running out of steam and a bit achy at the end of a round of golf. I figured that exercise alone just wasn’t enhancing my performance in spite of the fact that all the tour pros insist that using weight training equipment and stretching would help me achieve that par score that is so evasive to me.

I started to look into magnetic bracelets. Hey, don’t laugh! Magnetic jewelry has been used since ancient times to ease pain and improve circulation. I even saw celebrities like Johnny Bench and Ben Roethlisberger sporting them on their wrists endorsing their healing properties.

Whether their effects are real or placebo I figured if the “King of Golf” Arnold Palmer wears one and really believes it helps his golf game then why shouldn’t I give one of these magnetic wonders a try?

My initial search began with an innocuous enough infomercial on television for a metallic bracelet. My interest peaked as stories of rejuvenation and energy abounded. Unfortunately I just wasn’t satisfied with the look of the earlier bracelets. They looked like an old man’s watch and were too big and bulky for my small wrist.

Frankly I am a cynic and laughed off all thoughts of purchasing one of these “miracle cures” thinking that this was all a crock of lies to sell bracelets. But my aches and pains have not subsided, I’m feeling physically drained and I guess that I too was looking for that phenomenon that would improve my health and give me back the game I lost to the off-season.

I then heard about the Trion:Z Magnet/Ionic Bracelet following a successful launch at the 2006 PGA Merchandise Show. Magnets and ions working together? And this bracelet has a more modern look to it. That’s an improvement from the original design of bracelets that I just had to research further.

Magnetic/Ionic Technology
Trion:Z bracelets are not metallic but are made from a special material that is infused with negative ion-producing minerals called “STAYERS” actually woven directly into the fabric. They are double-looped to enhance their healing properties. As it clearly states on the package, the “unique, patented Alternating North South Polarity Orientation (ASPO) increases Magnetic Field Flow to maximize the power of the magnets”. Two loops, alternating current, more power. Yeah…

Trion:Z TechnologyThe typical magnetic bracelet on the market today doesn’t compare to the Trion:Z. The magnet is inferior and the North/South Pole orientation is just two-dimentional instead of alternating causing lower penetration of magnets. The position of the magnet also matters and as with other brands North and South Pole direction exist in the same direction because they are magnetized after packing.

These bracelets were designed for the active person. Urban living produces countless positive ions which are associated with symptoms including fatigue, loss of concentration, nausea, headaches and joint pain. Basically, if you’re feeling uncomfortable from the stresses of daily living, this bracelet’s negative ions are supposed to counteract these symptoms.

As a matter of fact, the Trion:Z bracelet is said to diminish positive ions at rates of twenty to fifty times of other ionic products. The medical grade magnets supposedly increase the flow of the field with their alternating North-South polarity orientation.

Negative ions counteract the effects of a stressed-out day and are abundant in nature through plants, waterfalls, rainstorms, and forests. Another way to get the negative ions of the Trion:Z? Wait until a rainy day on the golf course, take out your 7-iron and hold up the club. Get the point?

Between the negative ions and the twin 1,000 gauss magnets blended into the fabric it is considered to be the most advanced and powerful bracelet of its kind on the market.

But just for good measure, at the 2006 PGA Merchandise Show, skeptics had a chance to view the magical properties of the Trion:Z bracelet. An ion meter tested the effectiveness of the Trion:Z bracelet as participants removed their older bracelets and placed them beside the Trion:Z to measure the ion levels of each bracelet. When the level of ions measured about twenty to fifty times the negative ion levels of the older silicone bracelets, users bought the Trion:Z on the spot, leaving their old, ratty bracelets on the sales desk.

Sonartec Golf has imported this therapeutic device from Japan targeting both sports markets and active lifestyles but this bracelet is marketed under the name Colantotte brand in Japan. Although this product is new in the United States, it has successfully sold in Japan for over six years and experienced a growth of 500% last year!

Trion Z Group

Not only are athletic types supposed to benefit from this technology but people who are regularly exposed to positive ions from computers, cell phones and electrical machinery. It’s kind of funny to read the large “WARNING!” emblazoned on their package which cautions users who have a pacemaker or any type of metallic object within their body not to wear it.

Upon further reading of their “WARNING!” a person should not use this product with other medical products or near wristwatches, cards with metallic strips or any other magnetically sensitive products.

Trion Z Black GoldSeeing how I already have a metallic object in my mouth (a titanium screw – isn’t titanium supposed to help your golf game?) and swipe credit cards by the minute I figured that I should be their guinea pig and put on two bracelets to see if I could get quadruple the benefit! After two weeks, I feel little effect either way.

Also, don’t wear this bracelet into the shower. I did without realizing it and the Trion:Z was both soaked and twisted. I let it air-dry and it looked fine but I don’t know how it will stand up over time although the company claims that it can be kept on the wrist while swimming or surfing and washed with mild soap and warm water.

Look and Feel
Aside from the name “Trion:Z” emblazoned all over the bracelet, it’s nice, soft, stretchy and comfortable to wear. The two black magnets located on either side of the bracelet keep the individual “stayer” material from separating and gives it a modern look and feel.

The seventeen color combinations should please both men and women. For the men you can get black on black or go with a patriotic red/blue blend. For ladies there are pink/green, white/pink and yellow/green which should boost your mood just by looking at it.

Men should opt for the large size while medium will fit the average woman.

Trion:Z Testimonials
Okay, just because I don’t believe that this bracelet has improved my energy levels or made me stress-free doesn’t necessarily mean that other wearers aren’t swearing by it.

For example, there are several claims that insist tendonitis has disappeared. I don’t have that problem so I read on and noticed that others claim that their aches and pains have literally disappeared.

I’m still taking Advil regularly, in spite of my constant use of the Trion:Z, both on and off the golf course.

Another golfer asserts that his energy level has escalated. I actually feel as if I am more energized but I cannot attribute this to the bracelet. I think it’s because the shortest day of the year has passed and I’m eagerly awaiting both spring and golf season, but I’ll give this claim the benefit of the doubt.

Trion Z PinkThere are lots of promises made by companies selling magnetic/ionic bracelets. Some people consider these claims valid, noticing improvements in wrist and joint pain, warming of the toes and feet, the restoration of ionic balance and improved concentration and focus but I have yet to feel any of these changes to my own body and unfortunately there is no scientific way to test these claims.

It is known that magnetic therapy has been used on patients since the days of the early Egyptians and Asian culture promotes the healing power of magnets as well. Could it be because these people are “grasping at straws” hoping for a miracle cure?

Or could it be true that magnets finely tune your body and it just takes time to see and feel the effects?

With the Earth being one large magnet and the field around it protecting us from the harm of radiation, there is some sense to be made of this technology. Trion:Z insists that these magnets increase our own magnetic aura but may be a bit too “sci-fi” for my tastes. Nevertheless I can’t stop wondering if I will feel the difference over time so I’m keeping my Trion:Z on my wrist for now and throughout the golf season just to be sure.

You can pick one (or several) of these nifty Trion:Z ionic bracelets for a song compared to other magnetic lifestyle technology. Just don’t blame me if they don’t actually seem to do anything.

61 thoughts on “Trion:Z Ionic/Magnetic Bracelet Review”

  1. I just can’t buy into this. I always think of these things like I do with preventative cold medicine (like AIRBORNE).

    You take it because it’s supposed to help prevent sickness when you’re exposed to germs (like in an airport or something). If you get sick, you say, oh, there must have been too many germs, it couldn’t be prevented. If you don’t get sick, you think it was because of the medicine, when actually, it very well could have just been that you weren’t exposed to the germs to make you sick.

    There’s no way to ever prove these things do work. However, I suppose what they DO do, is make you feel more conident, and in turn make you relax more and play better.

  2. Confidence is a golfer’s most important ally on the course. If the bracelet helps to inspire good feelings then the scores should drop.

    Bottom line? You have to like the way it looks and feels. It’s a piece of jewelry.

  3. Recently I played 18 holes wearing the Trion Z for the first time. Okay, is it all in my head or is there something to this? All I know is that I played one of my best rounds ever. Trying to analyze what made it a good round led me to conclude that I played without the self-imposed pressure that I normally put on myself. Allowing myself to relax certainly caused my putting to improve, thus leading to more confidence overall, which in turn led to a better and more enjoyable round. As I told my golfing buddies, “if this thing doesn’t really work, I’d just as soon NOT know it”….I really can’t attribute the improvement to anything else. I haven’t noticed any impact physically, but that’s not to say it might not provide some help there too…

  4. I don’t think these bracelets have any physical effect on a golfer, but they very well may have a mental effect – as Larry said “if this thing doesn’t really work, I’d just as soon NOT know it.”

    But I am a scientist, and would require a controlled clinical study – select 200 golfers, with 100 being randomly selected to get the real bracelet and the other 100 getting a bracelet that looks the same, but has no magnet. None of the golfers or testers would know who got the real bracelet versus who got the placebo.

    Then have all golfers play a round or two, unmask who got the real versus placebo bracelet, and compare the study group to the placebo group for how well they played. Also you could have the golfers keep the bracelets for a month, and also assess their perceived health, aches, pain, etc.

    But the above test won’t happen because it is too expensive to conduct and more importantly bracelet companies do not want to risk a negative outcome.


  5. Not a golfer but a full time nurse and mother of two busy children.

    I purchased by bracelet only days ago to see if it would help with aches and pains as well as energy and concentration needed in my job and daily living. I have multiple disc bulges in my back as well as rotator cuff problems in my shoulder and was tired of waking in the mornings feeling like I was older than my years. My day starts at 7am and usually ends at 7pm at a sports field depending on which one of my children is playing.

    I have never tried magnetic therapy before but am willing to give it a try. I have noticed that I do wake in the mornings less stiff and sore….could this be in my head…..maybe, maybe not. I’m not sure I’m willing to question that at this point.

    I am going to continue to use my bracelet and see what my results are and am hopeful that it will improve my days at work, baseball field and soccer field.

  6. Anything, mental or otherwise that helps my game, helps my game, period. Simply put, for $20 bucks, why not? We’ll see…I shot 4 strokes better with it 1st time out, but then again, I’ve been practicing…

  7. Airborne……save your expense and try echinacea and golden seal at Walmart (it comes together in the same capsule if you want or you can buy it separate). Echinacea is an immune booster and golden seal is a natural anti-biotic of sorts that you can’t get immune to. But like other herbs, they don’t work for everyone. It does work for me. For years I would catch a cold every winter that would turn into a sinus infection and sometimes inner ear. It seemed that I would keep a cold all winter. I got desperate 5 years ago when I went through my second course of anti-biotics and was told to go back to the doctor for an even stronger one. That is now a thing of the past for me. The bottle says take 3 capsules a day but I just take one in the morning (people respond differently to herbs). I am a school teacher and I no longer even get a cold. That is my experience for what it is worth.

  8. Well lets think of it this way…why on Earth would anybody spend all the time and money to research and develop this product if it did absolutely nothing.

    They may have spent millions making a heck of a placebo and it makes me wonder if I cut an elastic string, sell it, and market it If I will reap the same rewards……doubt it.

    Ha! I just bought one and it should be arriving today. If you have money to spare and the kids are fed, why not? I can turn around and sell it on Ebay and get most of my money back!

  9. There is obviously something in this.
    Cantabury (who may sports apparel) have made their jerseys for the teams competing in the Rugby World Cup with an negative ion producing material in it.

    They have said they tested it and proven that it improves performance!

  10. Matt said, “Well lets think of it this way…why on Earth would anybody spend all the time and money to research and develop this product if it did absolutely nothing.”

    The reason companies make these bracelets is not because they work, but because consumers think they work and so the company can make money selling these bracelets.

    “A fool and his money are soon parted.”

    And Ian, I would like to see on what scientific basis Cantabury is basing its decision.


  11. I bought it and have noticed some improvement regarding pain(shoulder and back). Years ago I used a Sabona bracelet for wrist pain associated with golf and it worked. I thought what the heck, technology is improving everything these days.
    Results: i have less pain. I have better scores. It could be the bracelet or in my head, but for 20.00—why not? I should note that I also quit drinking and am in better shape. I can’t give credit for those to the bracelet!

  12. I own a Trionz bracelet for about 3 months. I think it takes the edge off my constant neck & shoulder pain. I wear it 24/7 except for the other night. That next morning, i was very stiff… coincidience????

    Anyway, thought i’d try the necklace too to see if the pain will hopefully go away. Got it for a gift in Feb (a month ago.) Have to say, it does not help anymore than what the bracelet did (if any.)

  13. who cares if it doesnt work? i don’t think it does, but i tell myself it does and even a fake placebo effect works on me
    i feel better when i wake up, and it looks cool too…even if it is just a wristband, its a pretty cool wristband,
    and also, the guy thats a scientist is an idiot, his “experiment” could have way too many flaws in it, for one, what if the 100 golfers that get the real trion-z are the top 100 out of the bunch, it could give false results…

  14. I got free Sabona magnetic bracelet from a raffle at a golf tournament I had attended. I didn’t notice any pain or joint relief, this could be because I really don’t have much of a problem with that. I did notice my handicapp got better and I started taking 2-3 strokes off my game.

    I’m not saying it isn’t the placebo effect, but I’d spend $60 any day of the week to take 2-3 strokes off my game. It’s cheaper than anything else I have in my bag. Plus it was free, so who am I to complain? 🙂

  15. Leroy Jenkens said “his experiment” could have way too many flaws in it, for one, what if the 100 golfers that get the real trion-z are the top 100 out of the bunch, it could give false results.”

    A random assignment to either the study or control group is how this is done. This prevents one group from getting all the low-handicap players.

    Cliff “the idiot”

  16. My brother-in-law, who is a PhD and professor of biomechanics was a pitcher in college and was offered a contract with the Minnesota Twins. He had to have reconstructive elbow surgery several years ago and since the surgery, he has not had any feeling in his ring and pinky finger. He bought a Trion Z bracelet and within an hour of putting it on, started to regain the feeling in the two fingers. I know him and trust him. I just went out and bought one for my back problems.

  17. i bought one of thes trion-z bracelets and i was sceptical myself. i would wear it and then take it off. wear it and take it off, ect. the first couple of times i could tell something because i would get mild headaches (hence the wear/take-off). i dont normally get headaches so i knew something was different.

    i cant really say it took strokes off my game due to me being a beginner and inconsistant with my scoring.

    i have bad tendonitis in my elbow, and when i wear the trionz the pain isnt as bad. it doesn’t make it completely go away, but it does make it less painfull. is it the trionz? i cant say for sure.

    i’ve seen several people wearing these and i always ask them if they think it works. all of them said yes. one person was a trainer for nba players and he said that all nba players are issued a trion-z as soon as they report to camp, and then they get a new one every couple of months. i dont know if that means anything, i just thought it was kinda interesting that the nba is supporting this product. does that mean that i’m supposes to get a new one every couple of months?

    i still wear mine everyday. i still wonder if it really works. maybe that is what it does: keeps you thinking about if its working and not on if the next shot is going in the woods.

  18. I was given a Trion:z wrist band today by a supplier as a freebie. I’m a sports therapist and have a scientific background so was interested to see its claimed effects.

    I think most magnet therapy is little more than placebo, but I don’t knock the effects of placebo – if it helps to reduce pain who cares?

    Ok, so I put it on and after about half an hour my hand started to ache. I work with my hands a lot, so my hands are generally strong. This feeling is like a general fatigue, with some slight tingling around the metacarpophalangeal joint.

    I thought this must be all in my head, since putting the band on, so I ignored it. Anyway I’ve looked at the ‘testimonials’ on the web site for the band, and hand ache is a symptom listed 😯 So I’d deduce something’s happening.

    I’m going to keep it on and see what else happens. Unlike so many of the testers, I don’t have tennis elbow, wrist pain, back pain (I don’t play golf or drive a BMW either). However I exercise – running, weight training, climbing – and I pick up the odd niggle. I’ve had a recurring knee problem, so let’s see if the magnets have any effect on that – I’ll give it 2 weeks.

    I’m doubtful, but if it does help I’ll eat my hat. I’ll even buy one to eat. And I’ll post a testimonial on the Trion:z website. I’ve nothing to lose as mine was free anyway 🙂

  19. I am a college athlete as well as a biology major, so the mystery of the trion-z bracelet immediately appealed to me. I purchased mine from fundraiser for the golf team. After reading through the discussions, I would have to agree with Cliff when he suggests a double-blind experiment to verify the effectiveness of the bracelet.

    For what its worth, I searched “negative ion bracelet treatment” in Google Scholar. The results show an interesting project done in Florida using the same double blind placebo concept. Analysis of the data goes further to show that all subjects showed inprovement in pain, even the ones with the placebo treatment.

    Take a look for yourself:

  20. These are not suppose to make you play better golf. Its suppose to help with joint pain. Most golfers have some sort of joint pain or inflamation.

  21. Well, I dont know if this is legit or not, I just bought the necklace and I feel more balanced. I do weight lifting and was able to lift about 15-25 pounds more in every exercise. It could be mental but I dont know.

    Also what was funny, when I bought the necklace I had a pretty bad headache. I put the necklace on while in the car and drove home. (about 10 min) Once I was home for about 20 min, (total 30 min) my headache was completely gone.

    I kinda agree with Cliff** however, I kinda think the things works.

    Have yet to play a round of golf with it on. My buddies swear by it tho. We will see : )

  22. I wanted one of these so bad. My uncle got one for me and i love. I would recommend this to anyone. I felt results the first time i wore it. It is worth it!

  23. I received a necklace as a gift from my daughter. She said that I like these sort of different things. Although skepticle I put the necklace on and went to bed. The next morning I woke to not only find that I was pain free but I had the ability to fly and read minds. I know what you’re thinking, I’m crazy. And now you have a smile on your face. I’m right aren’t I!!!! See what Mean! I’m never going to take off my necklace. Up, up, and away!!!!!

  24. A co-worker gave me a trion z necklace today. I think that he might have got a new one and gave me the old one. Will it still be good or do you wear it for a certain period of time and then get a new one? Is there a certain location on the necklace where the magnets should be or does it not matter? I have talked to 2 people and they say that it helps. My opinion would not be credible because I have only wore it for about 12 hours. I am not a golfer myself so I am not looking for a better score card. I am looking more for the stress relief and better sleep aspect of the whole thing. So if there are any non golfers that could tell me your opinions that would be much appreciated. Placebo or not if it makes you think and live healthier and you dont have to take it with food and water and pay an incredible amount of money at the pharmacy every month….. Then while the hell not!

  25. I am a 60 year old woman.
    I bought one of these things yesterday.
    Usually I wait and think about this sort of thing but it just seemed to strike a chord with me.
    I don’t know why.
    All I can say is I wore it all day yesterday.
    I played 9 holes of golf in the 90 degree heat.
    I slept with it on.
    And I must admit, it was the first time I woke up feeling good without a lot of aches and pains and creakiness.
    I can’t explain it…..but I can tell you this:
    I AIN’T TAKIN’ IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!

  26. I’m not a golfer. I work on a PC all day. In early April I had an MRI and was diagnosed with a severe bulging disk in my neck. The doc recommended a steroid shot which I had. Results were a disappointing little-to-no relief of pain. Saw two colleagues wearing magnetic bracelets and asked if they had worked at relieving pain. Both said that they definitely had. One has had a nagging disc problem for over a year and been to all sorts of therapy. I went to Walmart and purchased a magnetic bracelet for $5, put it on, and within 5 minutes was painfree. Came home and told my wife about it and she tried it for her chronic back pain with no positive effect. That night I went to Dick’s and purchased the TrionZ necklace to keep the magnets near the area of the bulging disc. Chose it over Phiten because it appeared that the clip would be more comfortable. Wore it for 3 weeks pain free! I told an MD friend about it and he laughed and said it’s impossible. I asked him if the steroid shot could have taken 3 weeks to kick in and he said “no, it would work immediately.” Was I experiencing a placebo effect? I took it off. That was several weeks ago and the pain has yet to return. So, did it work for me? Can’t say. But I’m glad I tried it. I’m painfree for no medical reason.

  27. My husband has been wearing one of these gizmo bracelets for a year. I never asked him much about it, but he told me it was to help him with focus and pain. I recently started having allot of neck and arm pain. I am not an athlete but my occupation has me at a computer for a large portion of the day. My husband mentioned the bracelet and I thought, what have I got to loose? The pain was getting so bad that I would have to pop an advil at least once a day. I purchased a bracelet 2 days ago and I LOVE IT! My pain is not as intense and in some cases gone all together. I was also a skeptic at once, but not anymoe. Thanks Trion:Z and thanks Hubby:)

  28. Well, I got mine today about 10 hours ago. I’m playing 18 holes of golf tomorrow, and everybody says that there golf game is better. So hopefully this will be the same for me. I have pain in my hand and I haven’t noticed it at all with the Trion Z on. So I’m pretty sure that this thing works.

  29. I bought this for my 9 year old 5 days ago. Really a fluke because it looked cool & had our school logo; was thinking about his arm that had been sore from a fall for over a week as well. He put it on, said “wow, this is cool”.
    Fast forward 5 days & he is in golf camp. Not at all complaining of his arm, but moreover (and prior to us reading about the bracelet) his golf game has really improved. He has made some records this week, that even astounded his instructors. So…I look up the bracelet only to find this. Oh yeah, magnetic therapy works and now it looks cool too! I could sell a bucket of these tomorrow, to other campers!
    Going back for more!

  30. Elsie said, “I could sell a bucket of these tomorrow, to other campers!”

    I bet you could sell a ton of these, as PT Barnum said, “There is a sucker born every minute.”

  31. Ok i’ve been readin about these things and thought I was a perfect canidate. I tore a ligament in my ring finger about a week ago trying to smash a ball out of the rough. Since I believe I am too tough for everything I played yesterday and agrivated my finger to the point where it doesn’t bend. I figure $20 is better than another $300 xray so let’s give it a shot. I also have a Ti rod in my leg that has bothered me from the second I woke up from anesthsia. It aches as I lay in bed so things can get tough by the days end. I magnets as a plecebo or an ancient medical phenomenon works. So I will update as I hopefully see benefits. The finger will heal as normal body parts do. But the aches of my leg is where I am hoping for a remedy.

  32. It won’t improve your golf game. If you are a bad golfer, then you are a bad golfer. I’m an ultrasound tech – a great one at that, but my wrist has been aching lately. A golfer gave this to me, and my wrist has stopped hurting! Why?… who knows. I forgot I was wearing it because it is so comfortable, but the pain has gone away.

  33. I, personally think that, that cliff guy is funny as hell. Cliffy baby, Will you tell us all what hasn’t it done for you ?

  34. Davidsimpson:

    Since I think the bracelet has no real medical value, the list of what the bracelet has not done for me would be very long. I would run out of space listing the ailments that it cannot cure.

    To be succinct – the bracelet, apart from the placebo effect, does nothing.


  35. Cliff,

    Unlike David I think you are an idiot, as you rightfully quoted yourself previously.

    You have been on this debate since June 2007 with nothing constructive to add. It didn’t work for you so move on and get a life. For other people, placebo effect or not, who cares – it works!

    You have not carried out any tests on this product. So how can you claim, as a scientist, that it is a placebo. You’ve made your opinion purely because it didn’t work for you! If you have many ailments you probably expected too much. I’m usually quite cinical about ‘wonder cure’ products myself. I have only worn this band for 24 hours and it has helped my tennis elbow enormously. It is a great product.

    Looking forward to your test results Mr Scientist!

    Merry Christmas,


  36. Greg:

    I am glad your tennis elbow has improved.

    I have never used the bracelet as the research has shown that it does not work.

    As for evidence, here is one article’s conclusion stating that the bracelets have no benefit: “Conclusion: The finding that subjective improvement in pain scores was equivalent with ionized and placebo bracelet use questions the benefit of using an ionized bracelet. New treatments in alternative medical therapy must be shown to be effective through vigorous, unbiased, objective testing before physicians acknowledge potential benefits or recommend these treatments to patients.”

    Reference – Effect of “Ionized” Wrist Bracelets on Musculoskeletal Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Robert L. Bratton. Mayo Clin Proc. November 2002 77(11):1164-1168; doi:10.4065/77.11.1164

  37. I experienced a fall this summer that resulted in a humeral fracture. I wore a brace for 3 months but eventually wound up having surgery to have a rod inserted to stabilize the break. I still have a non-union fracture after 6 months and I am now using a bone stimulator. Due to this injury and the inflamation of the radial nerve, I have had swelling, pain and stiffness in my wrist and hand that does not respond to analgesic or anti-inflammatory drugs.

    I recently tried the Trion-Z bracelet and have realized significant improvement in the flexibility of my hand. It isn’t nearly as sore and stiff as it has been. This may be a result of natural healing but I doubt it. For now, I believe in it and will continue to wear it.

    Be sure to get the proper fit. The first one I tried was too large and hung loosely on my wrist and didn’t seem to help.

  38. I saw many of my friends, who play football at the University of Florida, wearing these funny looking necklaces and bracelets. The first thing I thought of was to make fun of them, but they turned around and said they really work. Well, after a couple of weeks of laughing at them, and not being able to play football myself, due to lumbar trouble, my loving girlfriend bought me a bracelet and a necklace. That was a month ago, and I am trying out for the team this week. My pain is gone, and I am back to my fighting strength. If college football players do it, you should do it. Look at gatorade!!

  39. I just recently broken a finger in two places and had a metal plate put in it. I’ve been having a lot of soreness but wore this on my other hand becuase I am used to wearing a watch on the hand with the broken finger and was switch wrists with the bracket.

    I have noticed a difference within the hour. My finger is not as sore. Could be placebo but I’ll take it.

  40. i recently bought this bracelet went out to the course and felt like i was stressing to much did the bracelet have an effect on me… is there a specific way of putting them on??? if some one can please give me some help here that would be very helpfull

  41. I am an avid golfer and runner. I not only tried one Trion:Z bracelet, but two. I wear one on each wrist. I never take them off. After one full year of wearing them, I no longer take Aleve twice a day. My joints feel much better. My feet feel amazing.(Plantar fasciitis). Because I feel better, I run more and play more golf. Because I run more, I am faster. Because I play more, my handicap has dropped 4 strokes.

  42. why is it you can’t wear them if you have a metallic object in your body?

  43. i laughed so hard at my husband when he bought one of these! a few days later, he had left it in the hotel and when i did a room check, i slipped it on my wrist. i have a lot of hand pain and i thought to myself that i would wear it, point out how it hasn’t worked at all, and continue to make fun of him….my favorite pasttime.

    anyway, as my son and i were driving home, i commented about the bracelet being such a joke. another hour or two down the road, i commented that wow….my hand pain is much better.

    it continues to feel better, and now my husband no longer has his own bracelet. haha! placebo? quackery? who cares….i can move my fingers and thumb without pain!

  44. Years of occasional tendonities in the wrist and (tennis) elbow from power tennis led me to seek alternative help. An open mind certainly helps. I do not wear magnetic brace all the time, only when the tendonities comes back (in short, when I over abuse my body on the tennis court). Believe me, it works!! I only wear Calontotte brand bought in Japan. Available everywhere in pharmacies and sports stores over there.

  45. Placebo or not … my 9 year old daughter fell in the playground the other day, hurting her wrist. Ended up taking her for an x-ray on her wrist just to be sure. Sure enough, just a sprain, but 3 day of anti inflammatory medication and RICE treatment, she still had pain.

    I bought the Trion:Z …

    Remember, she is a child who knows nothing about negative ions, and I didnt mention the “potential” healing effects … just said its a sports bracelet we could share, and helps you perform better (she is a swimmer).

    Well, about 6 hours after putting on the bracelet, I asked how her wrist was and she was visibly in less pain and more mobile. Even the swelling had reduced. I let her sleep with it on.

    What the heck! I dont care how it works, it worked for her.

  46. About 4 years ago my girlfriend (now my wife) bought me a bracelet because she liked it. It just so happened to be a magnetic bracelet. For about 10 years I had been on prescription anti-inflamatory meds for tendenitis and the beginnings of arthritis. Without the meds I would have limited use of my arm and even with the meds there was always some pain. About a month after receiving the bracelet I noticed my arm did not hurt at all and I had forgotten to take my meds. I ended up quiting the meds completely (saving about $150/mo). After about a year the pain starting coming back so I bought a new bracelet with stronger magnets. The pain went away again.

    Me and my wife both play golf. She starting getting arm and elbow pain so much she couldn’t play golf. I got her a magnet bracelet. We now play golf 2-5 time a week with little to no pain. At one point she lost hers and after a couple weeks the pain came back. Got her a new one and no more pain.

    Does it work or is it a placebo? I think it works? Does the neg-ion work better than just to magnets? I don’t but I an going to try one. Do they improve your golf game? I believe lack of pain (tendenitis or arthritic) definitely helps.

  47. I bought one of these hoping it would improve my concentration and lack of energy. I *think* it may have helped a little, however what I have noticed (and didn’t even consider would happen!) was that my constant headaches have disappeared – no headache for 3 weeks compared to a few every week! I am now going to purchase an active one for when I am running, swimming, etc!

  48. I’ve seen the physical demonstrations for these types of bracelets. Standing with your feet together and putting both arms at shoulder level pointing out to your sides while the salesman pushes one side down and you try to hold him back. Then he puts the bracelet on you and does the same thing to you… but this time you’re ready for it and you’re able to resist him much better. Sometimes they have you stand with your feet together and arms out and then you twist your body as far behind you as you can and point at an object at your furthest “twisting point.” Then you hold the bracelet and repeat the test. You always twist a bit further because now you’ve loosened up a bit from the first phase of the test.

    I did the same thing to a friend of mine. I had her go through each of the tests with nothing in her hands and then I put a paper clip in her hand and had her repeat the tests. She did much better with the paper clip in her hand.

    I believe it’s all salesmanship and gulability on the part of the the person being tested.

    I’ve tried numerous products that make these claims and have never had results like they advertise. Buyer beware!

  49. Tom, I thought the same thing. I bought the IRenew bracelets and tested on myself and my wifed. First without the bracelet then with it, with the same results as advertised, then immediately tried it again without and then with, again the same results. We tried the same as above on about 2 dozen people on our pool league with very similar results. Again first without, then with, then without, and then with. Every person we’ve tried this with were totally amazed.

  50. I almost lost my hand and shoulder in a Explorer roll-over with nerve and skeletal damage I do not take pain killers. I will let you know if i have less pain fro the above and titanium in my arm and ankle.

  51. Had terrible arthritis in my right hand from an old football injury. Could not make a tight fist and playing a round of golf would result in days of worse pain and using too much advil or tylenol. I tried a trion z bracelet and could literally feel it working after 2 hours. After 2 weeks, I could make a fist pain free and now play golf with no pain. I am not taking any pain killers at all. I am sold on these things.

  52. I am on the practice range 2-3 hrs every morning and my medial epicondilitus “golfers elbow” got so bad I was getting cortisone injections as often as my MD would allow, I thought I was going to have to quit swinging a golf club, but (1) week after putting on a Trion-Z bracelet, my pain has gone from 9-10 to 0-1 (10 pt scale). I really have NO pain- this is not a joke and I am not being paid to say this.

  53. I have a hip replacement that is 23 years old and needing to be fixed again. I also have an old neck FX from gymnastics. Needless to say I suffer much daily and I am to young to give in to pain. I play golf 2-3 times a week. Got a Sabona bracelet a coupple of years ago and noticed a bug difference, but the hand I wear the bracelet on seems to hurt and I decided to try the necklace. I had some serious aches when I went in to buy it and thought it may take a few days to see if it works. Within a few hours I was very much so relieved. Hmmm…

  54. Simply put, what is the harm in using it. If it does not work, oh well. But if it does, can you pass up this chance. This is also comming from a skeptic.

  55. I’ve had (2) cervical fusions in 2009 (the same as Peyton Manning). I still get chronic headaches and stiffness on the neck and shoulders. I’ve also had carpal tunnel release surgeries. So I ordered a necklace and a bracelet to see if I can get any relief. When I received them in the mail, I put them on and kept them on for 3 days straight (taken them off to take my bath/shower). I notice me feeling weak and light headed so I decided to take off the necklace (remembering that I have the 12 screws and 2 plates in my neck). I’m still wearing the bracelet and this has been calming the pain down in my wrist from having the carpal tunnel issues (even after the surgeries). Now since I’m not wearing the necklace anymore, I haven’t had the weakness and light head issues. I’m thinking that since i’ve had the cervical spine fusions, the necklace was not friendly with the plates and screws (in my neck).

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