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About Thornfinger

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    Ontario Canada

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  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Thornfinger


  2. I'll admit I laughed. However, I have both of them to thank for getting me started and interested in the game.
  3. Thank you to everyone. I looked more in to stack and tilt and realized that a lot of where I was at when I first started was very similar. I play Friday nights with my wife and mother in law, so had a chance to try some things out. It started out a little rough at first, but by about the 4th hole I was starting to hit more consistently. Height and distance included. 7th to 9th on the green. First time I've hit the green in a month. I'll be going to the range probably this week to work at it more. Thank you so much to everyone. I've had my confidence restored.
  4. Thank you to everyone that has posted suggestions. Brice: I think you may be right that it's my head that is moving. Vangator: Again, head movement may be the issue here as well. I appreciate the video and it's definitely something to take into consideration. Patch: Thinking about what I'm doing and what you have said, specifically. "stooped over too far at the waist", I think you may be on to something here as well. And all of the above looks to be a way of correcting it. Thinking out loud here, but now that you mention it something that I did change was bending my knees instead of staying upright which is likely what is killing me. Bste: Loved the video, thank you for giving me a laugh this morning. I needed it. Scott: I can agree that it's outside stress and my own mental game. I start thinking too much about my swing, or about what I'm doing and then end up where I'm at. Even now, if I'm thinking too much about my swing I think it carries over between holes as well, because I'll think to myself well I did this this and this right, but I did this wrong, so I'll go to the next tee box trying to correct that and only end up more frustrated. I'm almost the same way as you though, I'll start the round poorly and then hit an amazing shot on the 9th, but by then it's too late. I was at the point too of only using my irons since I couldn't hit a driver to save my life, and it's now carried over to the irons. I love the game, and I'm an extremely patient person, so perseverance will pay off on this, but there are days that I want to give it all up. Next season will include lessons. I'm not giving up yet. Some days it feels like this h
  5. Wondering if anyone might be able to provide me some insight. I started playing approximately 3.5 months ago, at that time I was able to consistently drive off the tee, albeit with a strong pull to the right. Comfortable with drivers, comfortable with irons, and thought I was doing well. Over about a month of playing I was able to straighten out my drives, and felt confident with my progress. This is where the frustration starts, over the last month or so I've been battling with even hitting the ball. I either top the ball, or end up hitting it extremely low with no height. I've tried teeing up higher, teeing up lower. Moving my feet, changing my position but still no luck. On the rare occasion that I do hit the ball solidly it's a great hit. The problem has also carried over into my short game. Sorry no swing videos, as the last few times I've been out on my own as it's incredibly frustrating and painful to play. Does anyone have any ideas, or suggestions? Thanks
  6. I'll be 39 in November. I've always thought of it as a "rich old peoples" game. My opinion completely changed this year, but I still joke with my wife that I guess I'm old enough to start golfing now.
  7. Hello everyone, I've been browsing the forums for about a month or so, and finally got around to registering. I started golfing this season, and have only been playing for approximately a month. Every day I wish I had started sooner.
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