Nothing like a staff bag. I had one when as an 18 handicap and still love them as a 10. Lets put it this way, name me one golf item you own that says nothing on it and lets face it when you bought that $ 300 to $ 600 driver didn't it make you feel good the first time you played with it against your buddies, with the monster head cover. Whats on your shirt, whats on your hat? The manufactures wern't happy enough with letters and numbers, now they have a name for the club like the X24 Diablo by Callaway stamped on each club. Heck I have 4 of them and getting ready to by my 5th right after my wife divorces me for buying the 5th.
2 years ago in Myrtle Beach at Glen Dornich the starter came out to give us the rules of the course. We both had staff bags in the cart. Instead of him giving us the rules he looked at us and said, " hell you 2 LOOK like you know what your doing with bags like that. My partner and I still laugh about it to this day.