Thank you very much everyone for your responses. This was merely to see if there is any buzz about. Thank you to all who expressed both interest and disinterest.
Shorty- Thank you for not answering my question. You must be as smart as you think that perceptive reading skill. But please don't preach to us about your superior economic prowess. Obviously I wasn't speaking from the standpoint of the business who is making money off of their products at the prices they have chosen to set. I was merely coming from the standpoint of a consumer, stating an opinion that I hold (and I believe many people agree with) that $125 is very, very expensive for one shirt, even though they are extremely nice (I own one). I would think someone with your knowledge would know that profit maximization for the firm does NOT maximize welfare for the consumer. Price is set by the intersection of supply and demand under strict perfectly competitive conditions, which exist in the realm of theory next to unicorns and leprechauns. Such a situation does not exist in the real world, and rarely comes even close. Maybe "ridiculous" was not the correct word to use, but I don't think I am the only person to who ever described them that way. If you don't find $125 to be a lot of money, then I can respect your opinion. But please, go take your pretentious attitude elsewhere, like the universities, where you can talk about economic theory until you are blue in the face.
jp19- I'll definitely send you one, should I decide to take on this endeavor :)
Clambake- Thank you very much for responding. Could you please list some of the cheaper brands, say in the $20-40 range? My target price would be in that range, as I have contacted many manufacturers, and golf shirts are not that expensive to make :)
TitelistWI- Thank you very much for your response. Would it be alright if I maybe contacted you sometime in the future to gain a little more insight on the industry?
Again, thank you everyone for your responses. Maybe to make it more clear, this is NOT intended to be a primary source of income. It is meant to be a supplemental source of income so I may indulge myself in my more expensive habits (like golf!). I am not looking to build a clothing empire or anything. Just something small on the side that I like and have an interest in. Anyways, thank you all very much again for your help!