I've been Playing Golf for:
5 years
My current handicap index or average score is:18.8 trending to 19.0 at August 1st revision
My typical ball flight is: Straight, draw, fade
The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: Slice
A little bit about me and my golf game over the last 5 years. A coworker of mine got me interested in the humbling game of golf in the summer of 2010. I spent hours upon hours at my local driving range trying to figure out how to hit the ball. I joined TST in 2011 and have basically taught myself how to play the game through this website and some youtube videos. I have taken lessons over the years and thought I was progressing well. I would play every Saturday with 4 guys in a two man team scramble and I was winning money so I figured I was pretty decent at the game. It wasn't until this year when I joined Burlington Country Club here in NJ that I realized how bad I actually was at the game. With the help of this website I have pretty much cured my OTT swing and now either have straight ball flight or a slight draw. However, sometimes I try to swing out of my shoes and a fade/slice come back into the picture. The problems I am facing on now are fat and thin shots. My instructor at the Country Club has given me drills to work on to try to eliminate these problems in my swing. His drills are the same drills that are mentioned on TST just about every day. I have purchased and read The Lowest Score Wins and I know exactly where my problems are with my game. A typical golf hole goes like this for me: Beautiful drive down the fairway(not sure of distance, don't particularly care as long as its playable). Second shot either blocked right, chunky or thin. Third shot either chip on and 2 putt or its either blocked right chunky or thin depending on distance from green. I mainly posted this video to check my swing path to make sure I completely cured myself of the OTT swing. I have other videos from the same day and will try to get them. Camera angle is horrible as I am using my phone sitting on top my golf bag. Looking forward to hearing everyones thoughts, critiques, and possible changes/fixes. Thank you, Chris