I’ve never really been ‘into’ the game of golf, although I played it off and on for 40 years---from the late 1950s to the late 1990s. I played it mostly in our garden on a little home-made course. Occasionally I watched it on TV for a few minutes, perhaps 2 or 3 holes at the most since TV first came into my home in 1951.
Last night, after a busy day helping my wife take care of George, our one year old grandchild, I watched
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius.
My wife had gone to bed early and I watched the whole movie, something I rarely do after midnight when TV has the function of inducing low alpha waves in my brain after a busy day in largely intellectual pursuits. These waves are commonly associated with relaxed meditative states and they help me go to sleep.-Ron Price with thanks to
In 1953 the first nationally televised golf tournament took place just outside Chicago. It was televised by ABC. But get this - the owner of the club paid ABC to televise the tournament; and
12:05-2:30 a.m., 11 July 2011.
I knew nothing of Bobby Jones
until last night. Intense passion,
perfectionist tendencies and his
fierce temper got me hooked on
the narrative with its ethical----
He was a name,
a big golf-name back in the ‘20s,
the jazz-age before my folks met
& when the community I’ve been
associated with for some 60 years
was becoming a national entity…..
Why, Bobby, you played in my home
town of Hamilton in 1919 when my
Mother was only 15! I wonder if she
ever heard of you back then—one of
the five giants of the 1920s American sports
scene, along with baseball's
Babe Ruth
, and
Jack Dempsey
Red Grange
and tennis player
Bill Tilden
.You died the year
I moved to Australia
& I never even heard of
you until last night. I wish you well, Bobby, in
that place, that undiscovered country as the Bard,
Shakespeare, calls the afterlife—if it indeed exists.
Force majeure
is French for "superior force"
Loni Bramson-Lerche, “Some Aspects of the Development of the Baha’i Administrative Order in America: 1922-1936,”
Studies in Babi & Baha’i History, Vol. 1
, Editor, Moojan Momen, Kalimat Press, Los Angeles, 1982, p.255
Ron Price
11 July 2011