Hello, new to this and it kinda hops over from a thread on equipment but here goes...
Got pretty good as a yongster, played a nice draw and down to 4 h'cap. Stopped playing for a long time: marraige, kids, job etc. coming back to it now. Was playing OK, but streaky. Went for a lesson looking for consistency and assurance of sound fundamentals. Also looking to lower ball flight.
Summary was, nice old time swing, you drop from the top and then use quick hands to give you a draw: in-to-out and shallow angle of attack. Timing is key to make it all work. (all true).
Instructional advice was to come back down the same plane (not drop it inside) with more neutral hands. Will give me steeper angle allowing me to trap the ball and off it goes. Less reliance on timing, more repeatable, and actually some distance to be had too - simple.
Now this all makes geometric sense to me, just kinda goes contrary to what I had been taught as a youngster. Hence my question - has it all changed?
Thanks in advance, enjoying my return to the game and still love Tom Watson's swing and attitude.