Hi all
Im a 20 handicaper and have just bought a set of Ping G20 SW-5. I have been lovin them since i have had them and they have def helped my game and scores!
The only issue is with my wedges for the shorter shots just out from the green im finding the PW (45 degree) is going to far. I changed down to the SW (54 degree) and this was ok for a bit but think i need something inbetween the 2 that im confident with.
Had a go on my mates 52 degree ping wedge and it felt nice, so im now wondering whether to get a 50 or 52 degree wedge to help inbetween? Have my eye on a cleveland cg14 52 second hand to try, but now sure if a 50 degree would be better.
SO.......any advice would be more than welcome!!!
What should i get loft wise and any tips on whats good?
MANY THANKS in advance.