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CAC Handed G

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Everything posted by CAC Handed G

  1. CAC Handed G

    CAC Handed G

  2. Cheers Chopper. I do have a fairly low flight but this alas does not mean I hit a mile with loads of roll. I have a very short backswing maybe just vertical. I dont want to move my ball back in my stance as ive only just started hitting longer irons ( 5,6 ) with the ball a bit forward and getting good results. I am usually very straight 60-70% fir but really need some extra yds off the tee. Anything over 400 yds and ill struggle to reach in 2. PS well done to the bhoys. I thought we would get you lot in the Europa ( Toon fan ). Anyway I,ll give this "elbow tuck" a go tomorrow, Never know I may be lucky and temp will be 1 above freezing. Dave CAC handed Geordie.
  3. Hi, does this tip generally give instant increase in yardage? Im not a very long hitter 220-240 yd inc roll on a good day and would certainly welcome an increase of a few yards on my drives. By the way I am CAC handed. Left handed grip with right handed swing. Any advice welcome. Dave CAC handed Geordie.
  4. Sorry, new to site. Had probs navigating. Dave CAC handed Geordie. Will look in future.
  5. Aim your feet, hips, shoulders to the extent of req ball path. Aim club face to target. The more closed the bigger the draw. Feels weird at first but works. Dave CAC handed Geordie.
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