Hi. I used to play golf when I was younger but dropped the sport around the age of 9. Man do I wish I stayed. Anyways, I usually shoot around mid 40s but can range anywhere from high 50s to high 30s. I want to pursue a career in golf and trust me, I know im behind most of the kids my age that have been playing for much longer but everyone says I have great potential. I was wondering what you think the best way to drop strokes is? I guess the first step to pursuing a career in golf is playing college gold and since I started only about 4 months ago, when I was shooting high 50s low 60s consistently and now shooting mid to low 40s. Unfortunately I am a senior in high school and there is only 1 month of golf season left so its not like any golf scouts are going to be checking me out. The only way I could be checked out is if I make it passed the district tourney and maybe to regionals or even states but im not sure how im going to do that with just a months time. I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my goal of college golf. I have time, even though I go to school from 7:30-2:45 I have mostly all the time after that until about 8 when the sun goes down. I was wondering if you think I should get a swing coach that I work with everyday or a mental coach or something. I live in the Daytona Beach, FL area. About 1hr east of Orlando so its not to say im not near many resources. Also, do you think I should get fitted clubs and so on. Thank you so much for the support.