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About 99s

  • Birthday 11/30/1958

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  • Index: 40
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. That's a reasonable question. In short, quality of life. After my last knee op (to buy time before a knee replacement) I told my doc that based on my internet research it seemed like my best shot at prolonging the service life of the 'pseudo-cartilage' layer would be to lay on the couch all day eating glucosamine-chondroitin caplets. He agreed, and said it was all a matter of quality of life. I don't run a step unless I absolutely have to. I don't jump ever. That'd blast through the thin layer in a week or two. So softball & hoops are out. If I ride my motorcycle more than a few hours I'm mighty stiff when I get off and might ache a bit the following day. Same deal with walking a few miles while sightseeing on vacation, or hauling all my music gear out for gig. If I stay on top of my leg exercises, and watch how hard I swing, I can get away with 9 holes a few times a week. And if I overdo it the couch & cable TV are always there waiting... 99s
  2. I don't really sense pain during a swing ever since I started keeping my feet pretty still. If I really try to rip it I get a stab of pain right at the end. I honestly think I have more discomfort after ~7 holes or so from chasing up and down ravines and stumbling over tree roots because of the way I spray the ball around. I've always worn running shoes on the course, because I figured a bit of slip every now and then was better for my knee than being anchored with the knee under any torque. I'm going to look for someone to help me with my swing, I just wanted to know if there was "standard" swing modification for guys with bad knees, and search for someone familiar with it. 99s
  3. ...I started golfing ~3 years ago following a year+ of rehab on my right knee (I'm right-handed). At that time I could tolerate 9 holes riding if I wore a big honkin' knee brace. Last year I had more problems and stopped golfing, this year I'm doing much better and 9 holes riding with the brace is tolerable. I had a torn ACL for ~20 years, consequently I've worn through the cartilage on the right knee. I had the ACL replaced & a process called microfracture to generate "pseudo-cartilage" for a a few years, to put off knee replacement for a while. My ball flight tends to be most often right, occasionally left, sometimes high and often low, and once in a while straight and long. I slice a driver wickedly, so I keep it in the basement, and I'm giving thought to parking my 3 wood also because I can get 200yds+ with a 3 hybrid every once in a while with less of a tendency to slice. I either make decent contact or hit waay fat. I rarely see much of a divot in front of the ball. I keep my lower body pretty still while swinging, and keep both feet planted. Lots of hip movement and follow-through that lifts my back foot gives me a sharp pain in the knee and 2 days of a slight limp, so I try to avoid that. My question (still here?): Is there a swing technique for a gimp like me? I once saw a Youtube of a handicapped guy on a stool hitting the balls over 200 yds and straight. I'd happily settle for a swing that would get me 180-200 yds down the middle or thereabouts consistently, and focus on my short game. thanks, 99s
  4. All of them...driver, 3H,4-SW, putter
  5. Cool! Thanks for the info. 99s
  6. Is their policy to re-grip all the used clubs they sell? 99s
  7. ...I just saw a reply in a thread in which the poster advised a guy struggling with his hybrids to "practice with wedges, then check with driver, woods, etc" I bought a 'frequent hitter' ticket at a local range and have been very unstructured in my approach...I'm struggling with my driver, so I usually start off with it, and hit until frustration sets in, then go to friendlier clubs like shorter irons or my 3H. After hitting my ~66 ball large bucket I go to the practice green and chip & putt for a while. Would anyone care to recommend a more structured approach? It seems to me that concentrating on grooving my swing using the most forgiving club in my bag might mask errors that would be more apparent with a driver or 4 iron... 99s
  8. Gerry & HX, thanks for the nudge...it doesn't take much encouragement for me to buy a new toy... 99s
  9. It's me. When I got started earlier this year and was ready to start upgrading from the $99 full set my wife picked up a few years ago I went to my brother-in-law's to try some of his big barrel 'o unloved clubs off his patio onto the course below. All his drivers were 9.5* with stiff shafts. I seemed to do best with a Taylormade, but figured I'd be better off with more loft, so we went to Dick's and bought a 10.5* T-M R580-XD with a stiff shaft. I hit it decently for a few weeks after, then developed the almost constant nasty slice, which is slowly becoming less frequent. After reading Frankly Golf's articles on drivers, I figured I might be better off with more loft, a regular flex, and a shorter shaft. I bought an inexpensive Nickent 12* R-flex DX square-headed driver that sounds like an empty paint can to try that theory, but really did no better than with the stiff 10.5 T-M. Strengthening my grip, slowing and straightening my takeaway, and trying to keep my left wrist straight has helped with the slice, so now they go left & right, high & low, and occasionally straight. I'm MUCH more consistent with the small-headed hybrid 3, and get nearly the same distance, which boggles my mind. I practice with driver, but use the 3H on the course I don't have a 3W now, and thought the Callaway review sounded encouraging as a next step. 99s, Cb
  10. ...I'm struggling with my driver (frequent wicked slice) to the point where I'm using my 19*hybrid from the tee with much better results. The hybrid has worked out so well I'm thinking about inching down the loft scale to a 3 wood to see if I can get some more distance without sacrificing much control. The Golf Digest review makes me think the new 16* BB might be a forgiving 3 wood for high handicapper like me. Have any of you tried this club? 99s
  11. Is launch monitor use usually free when you check out clubs, or do most shops charge a fee? Do they just estimate swing speed and launch angle from the location and force of the impact with a 'blanket', or do they actually track the clubhead and ~10 feet of ball flight?
  12. Great thread! I know Dave from guitar board jams and I'll tell you what...the guy can PLAY a guitar! Dave, I bought a Rescue Hybrid a few weeks back...this thing is like (((reverb)))!!! I want more.... 99s
  13. Thanks for all the replies. On their trade-ins...roughly what percentage of their selling prices do they typical offer? ~50%? I mistakenly bought a stiff shaft in my T-M R580-XD driver and was thinking about reshafting it with a regular flex, but their used 580-XD prices are right around the cost of a reshaft!
  14. Thanks. I appreciate the suggestion on golfing with seniors too...the retired golfers I know are pretty serious about their game, and I'm reluctant to to play with them at my current skill level.
  15. I've got an opportunity to do some subbing in a golf league and would like to read up on do's and don'ts. It seems like every time I play I learn some new informal rule or tradition from more experienced players, and figured I could come up the curve quicker with some homework. 99s
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