I have been playing/practicing a lot of golf lately and have some soreness that is nearly an injury in my upper back. My best guess is that this is due to me creating a lot of rotational torque/force in my swing to generate the power to hit a strong golf shot. I do not feel that I am trying to over swing or hit as hard as I can, it is just the pace which feels comfortable (which is still pretty aggressive). But lately I have noticed that I am having some significant soreness around my spine between my shoulder blades and is causing some intense pain for a few days.
It got to the point where I wondered if I was going to seriously injure myself. The odd thing is the way in which it hurts. If I make certain movements (ones which cause torque by my arms being extended) I have intense pain to the point where I cringe and almost am unable to do that movement. For example, I leaned over the kitchen counter to grab a bottle of water with my arms extended, and it hurt so much to lift the bottle up that I had to let go. However, other movements are just fine and I can do weight bearing exercises just fine. I was originally worried that I was causing some sort of issues in my spine, like disc related problems, but after paying attention to how and where it hurts, it more feels like it is just muscle related pain that is right next to the spine.
My question is, does anyone have suggestions on the best ways to:
1. Recover from muscle soreness
2. Work out to strengthen these muscles so I don't have soreness
I have a feeling that this might just be a break in period and that as long as I give myself some rest, the muscles will get better over time and won't be an issue. I just want to do what I can in the mean time to prevent major injury.