as a fitter you are correct, but one commonality of a properly fitted club is a repetitive swing- or at least a close resemblance of one. The fact that the original poster had a handicap of a 9 is a pretty good indicator of a repetitive swing, since he didn't indicate he was 6'3" or 5 3" for that matter, lie angle off a lie board, flex, shaft material for irons can be handled by most fitters. I can look at your swing plane, geometry, grip and ball flight and conclude similar results. Nothing will be perfect for the 10-16 handicapper, but for that matter nothing can be so terrible off the rack either. The MP59 in the scoring irons and the JPX in the longer irons could be a little over thinking for a mid handicapper. My experience has been with mixed sets in nature seem to be common on much more lower single handicap players.- but not all. Perhaps a full consistent set of the JPX, rocket blades, type irons may have helped matters. the jpx has a lighter shaft than the scoring irons, I believe they maybe a touch longer and stronger loft. I could be wrong though
I believe I have a repetitive swing, but not perfect, otherwise I would not be a 15 :) I am 5'8" & 165 lbs. I purchased irons in Dynamic Gold XPR 300 standard length. Lie angle 59 & 2 degrees flat. Optimizer summary: head speed:76; tempo:4; tow down:3; kick angle:8; release factor:8. My interpretation of purchasing irons after/during a fitting was pick a club I like & what feels good & results will be mostly based on shaft I put on that head & the results from computer data.
Appreciate all responses on trying to figure out how to score better & be more consistent.