For the past three months, I have been struggling with a push fade and I am stumped. I was doing great towards the end of last season and now I am trying to prepare for this season and all I keep hitting is push fades. I checked my lie angle and they say I need clubs 3 degrees upright. I am assuming because I am coming over the top that is why I hit the ground first with the toe of the club. If you look at my clubs they have wear marks perfectly where the ball is suppose to be struck on the face of the club. I am attaching videos and pictures, really would appreciate any help someone can give that they see I am doing wrong.
When I swing this is what I think, (I am a lefty) right arm against chest, rotate shoulders and hinge wrist. Downswing try to hit my left hip and hit the inside quarter of the golf ball.
Sometimes on my follow through it feels like I struggle to get to parallel like I do on the back swing, it is like I feel like I do not release the club and just hold my hands through impact.
How does my setup look? How about impact?