I'm a hack who's been playing on and off for years. Pretty much a bogey golfer at munis. There is a very peculiar phenomenon which has plagued me for years now. I'll be hitting the ball just fine (fine for me, i.e. straight enough and far). This will go on for days if not weeks. But then suddenly it ALL starts going wrong and I mean WAY wrong, and when this does happen, I can't ever seem to hit the ball straight again. I have to quit for a few weeks then when I re-start I'm hitting fine again.
So when I saw "wrong" I am not talking about your garden variety slice. I'm talking about the ball going off VERY SHARPLY to my right (I'm a righty) IMMEDIATELY off the tee. It's as if it's going 90 degrees in the wrong direction. I cannot figure out what is causing this! Loose grip? Keeping my weight back? Club face flying open??? I've tried to focus on all 3 of those things and exaggerate by overcompensating, i.e. really tight grip, totally closing club face, etc, etc. Nothing works! I literally can't play golf when these shanks plague me cause the ball will end up killing someone...it goes that far off course. Even if it doesn't, it's painfully not fun.
Any ideas??? I hate that I have to quit when this problem occurs.