I know I'm new to this board but I would like to start a thread based on the above Jim Carey film where he has to tell the truth, IOW he can't lie. I have only had contact with a few people but I am going to throw the cat among the pigeons and say it as I see it.
A bit dense but pleasant enough.
Knowledgeable (I think), can be touchy and always agrees with a guy called Erik.
Know it all with bullying tendencies (of course this is unfair but I want to ruffle a few feathers) but he can take criticism
Don't you all just love him
He definitely has some superiority here and he knows it
That's my stab at Liar, Liar. Who's brave enough to continue.
BTW I'm a really nice guy but when you are far enough away from me and aren't an immediate threat, I can be a little 'trolly'.