I was on the course with 2 other buddies. We’ve played together for many years and typically like to have some wagers on the course.
We were playing a par 3 over water. There was a sign at the tee box which read "Local Rule: Golfers hitting into the water must proceed to the drop area." Ron hit his shot. It appeared to be headed towards the bank on the far side of the water (near the hole) - - there was no visible splash, nor the sound of hitting water, but instead an audible thud or thump, as of a ball hitting turf. No one claimed to see the exact location of the ball, where it had thudded, or where it came to rest. After all players hit from the tee box, we moved onward to play the hole.
Ron, upon arriving at the drop area, said, "Hold up a minute, I need to hit a provisional." This shot was hit, nicely, landing on the green near the hole. Ron then made a cursory look for their ball and determined he would play the provisional.
Another player, prior to Ron playing his provisional ball, then located Ron’s original ball, in the rough-fringe area bordering the water (where the mowers couldn't really mow.) There were no red stakes outlining the water hazard or edge. The lie was not good. The first drive had not plugged (which would have been inconsistent with the heard thud anyway), but had nestled down into to some long but dried almost hay-like type of growth. The most probable occurrence was that the ball had landed on good turf a short bit past the water, and rolled back a bit, either due to back-spin or the incline of the turf rising from the water toward the putting green on higher ground. The ball's lie made it extremely difficult to play, and Ron probably would have to move it a club length and take a stroke to play it.
At this point the third player said, "Whoa, wait a minute. You've got to play your first ball."
the question is, which ball is Ron supposed to play
? The group could not agree. Ron played his provisional and lied 3 on the green but tempers flared.