Very good remarks and I can see everyone's points. A little more info. The big money ($425) I won had nothing to do with our Nassau bet. The 2 closest to the pins and the skin I won were part of a 28 man group that anteed up $25 for closest to pins and $25 for skins. The money I won had nothing to do with this bet. Heck the bet was only a $5 nassau. We pushed the front and I was down 3 bets on the back so I double or nothing (aloha press) on 18. If you do an internet search on golf etiquette there is nothing I could find that says you shouldn't walk behind the hole while someone is in the act of putting. Look if were an accident and he just said sorry, or I didn't realize you were about to hit the putt at that moment, i would have let this go.
I've played with groups like this over the years and I get it. Been guilty of it myself when its an acceptable behavior by the group. This is not how we normally play in this group. Like I stated before some harassing goes on but its always before someones preshot routine, whether it be drive, approach, chip or putt.
Like my other 2 playing partners said, I won $425 on the big group game and I should let it go. But at the time it happened I didn't know I was going to win all of that other money and I don't like to lose.
It did feel really good paying him his $15 he won out of the stack of cash I came into at the 19th hole.
Just thankful to my Dad for teaching me golf etiquette before the actual rules of golf almost 40 years ago when I was a little kid.