i will get a face on vid up probably wed/thursday this week. i have to have my irons lie tested and possibly adjusted so irons will be in the shop for a day or two. hmm where do i start...haha. Typically i fall victim to a push fade. i feel that my natural tendency is a fade, but i just struggle with consistently hitting it with a fade, straight or a draw, so for example when i am on the teebox since i dont know what im going to get and depending on the hole layout i will move either to the left or right on the teebox and swing away. sometimes i get it right down the middle, other times push fade comes in and im sitting in the tree line or just on the other side of the tree line down the left side, if water is there then splash., and sometimes i can get a draw/hook going, although those are rare. im mainly straight or push fade. with irons some times i catch them fat. what i am looking for and need help with is finding the right swing mechanics to produce consistent results, swing after swing regardless of the club i have in my hand. not sure if that helps or not.
driver/3 wood: typically push fade or straight.
irons: fat, with the occasional skull (skulls rarely happen, fat shots are more common for me)