OK, so I have decided that I'm going to attempt the impossible, and try to golf the Top 100 Courses in America all in 2010. I'm only in Day 2 of the inception of this golf journey, but I need to put some serious thought into what I will need for this trip. Let's start with the car. Since it will just be me, I won't need a tremendous amount of room so let's go with something economic and green; Toyota Prius. Hopefully the trunk has plenty of room for luggage (I think the clubs should ride shotgun, don't you?). I would love some feedback on car selection. I also need to think about places to stay. This will take a little more thought. I need a big chain with locations all over the US, and I also need to be financially responsible. Any ideas? I'm thinking Best Western. Now I do have my clubs, but I'm thinking with a journey of this epic proportion, maybe it's time to upgrade into some custom fitted clubs. I've always been a TaylorMade fan, but again, I would love feedback and suggestions. Do you think we can get a sponsorship from an oil company to help supply the gas (does this sound like too much of a reach)? I will need proper attire for all of the venues. Which clothing companies do you guys like best? Since I am going to be updating on a daily basis, we will need quality tech equipment (laptop, phone, camera, digital recording, etc.). I know I am leaving lots of stuff off the list, so again, any feedback will be greatly appreciated. HELP!!!