I can see that our favorites depend on our exposure to the great players in our formative years. To me that means Sam Snead. I go back Shell's Wonderful World of Golf. Now that the series can be obtained on DVD, I recommend that younger players purchase and watch carefully. I would pay a thousand dollars to follow a match between any three top golfers today on a 7,000+ yard course similar to the Houston Country Club in difficulty and playing with 1950's equipment and the famous Spaulding Dot ball. It would be an apples to apples test of golf skill. Even in 1973, players like Johnny Miller were hitting 4-woods into number 10 at Augusta. Jack Nicholas hit 1-irons to reach number 13. As far as delicious swings go, Sam Snead was the Freddie Couples of his day. I followed him in the first round of the 1973 Masters and remember clearly how effortlessly he lobbed a 6-iron onto number one green. Not only were they great shotmakers, but they were personalities, a quality that is mostly absent among the current crop of athletic pro golfers. I think it would make for a great charity event to pit three top professionals in a match where they use equipment available to the best players in the 50's,