Volume Twenty-Nine

This week’s links are sure to get you through a sleepy Monday morning.

Hittin' the LinksThe past few years I’ve had a real hard time getting out in the summer to play as much golf as I’d like. Mostly, because I’ve moved and don’t have the same core group of golfers I used to and my job responsibilities have increased. In the past, I would always play until late October, but the past two years, my season almost starts in October, and I like it. It’s not as hot, it’s cheaper, not as busy and I tend to play in other locations (my parents moved to Texas recently). So now, my season doesn’t end until December or January.

When do most of you put an end to your golf season? Leave it in the comments after you read the links!

Throwing Darts Takes Aim!

Learn about the people that make the golf world go round.

Throwing Darts TitleProfessional golfers get all the glory. They are the ones written about and watched weekly on television. We know their names, their stats, their ups and downs. But what about the people who operate behind the scenes? It’s not often that we get a peek into the daily lives of those who have chosen a career in the golf industry.

Every Saturday, this column – an interview column – will bring you insightful talks with the folks who grind it out daily in a golf-related job. Whether it is a course superintendent of a local country club or the head of a major corporation I hope to be able to delve into the lives of those who make a difference but are rarely in the public eye. These people help make the golf world go round and that’s why it’s important to know a little more about their lives and daily duties. Just like anyone it would be nice to give them a little recognition or a simple “thank you” the next time you run into these people.

Sorenstam takes the Trump Challenge

Annika Sorenstam returns to defend her Office Depot Championship title against the top 144 golfers on the LPGA tour.

office_depot_logo.jpg“The Donald” will be unveiling his spectacular golf facility this week as he welcomes the LPGA to Trump National Golf CLub Los Angeles for the Office Depot Championship.

Annika Sorenstam is back in the spotlight for another title defense and perhaps to win a share of the $1.3 million dollar purse. The good news is that Sorenstam has won this event on three occasions and has also been victorious defending her trophies in three out of four events this year.

Golf Guys: Who are You?

I’ve noticed no matter what your profession or generation, who you are on the course, is who you are in life.

I’m fortunate enough to play a lot of golf and therefore have a lot of golf buddies: teenagers, seniors, blue collar, white collar, pros and hacks. I’ve noticed no matter what your profession or generation, who you are on the course, is who you are in life.

Now, I’m not talking about how you look, take Snoop Dog or Alice Cooper, if you were to see these guys on the course versus how they are on stage you’d never in a million years imagine them in Sansabelt slacks and plaid sweater vests. Heck you would think you were looking at Payne Stewart, Jesper Parnevik or Fredrik Jacobson.

No, I’m talking about your persona. Let me give you a few examples.

Volume Twenty-Eight

Here’s a few links to keep you looking like you’re busy at work today!

Hittin' the LinksWhat a great weekend for golf! I wish there were more team matches in golf. It’s a fun aspect of the game that doesn’t get shown often enough. Aside from the US winning, I have two moments that I think I will always remember. The first is the look on Phil Mickelson’s face when he realized he didn’t halve his Sunday’s single match. That was funny. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. But my favorite moment had to be involving Fred Couples. Right after DiMarco hit the winning putt, all the US players were collecting around him hugging and things. Well, except for Freddie. He was running towards the scrum with his hands in the air, but no one was hugging him or welcoming him into the mob. It was hilarious. As Bill Simmons would say, this rated high on the unintentional comedy scale.

What was your favorite moment? Leave it in the comments after this week’s links.

Brittany Lang Takes Top Honors at Q-School Qualifier

Brittany Lang receives top score in Q-School qualifier. Morgan Pressel also moves on to finals.

brittany_lang_qschool.jpgGolfers from the Robe Di Kappa European Tour, Futures Tour, and amateurs were all thrown into the mix this past week to try and move one step closer to a professional career on the venerable LPGA Tour.

My two picks, Morgan Pressel and Ai Miyazato, both moved on to the finals but it was Brittany Lang who shook things up and received medalist honors. Lang turned professional just this year after tying for second place with Pressel at the 2005 U.S. Women’s Open in June. In July Brittany tied for sixth place at the BMO Financial Group Canadian Women’s Open.

With a history deeply embedded in college golf and with her confidence on the rise I expect to see Brittany Lang’s name on the 2006 LPGA roster.

Pack Your Lunchboxes. Q-School has Begun!

The first of two Q-School sectional qualifiers begins today for upcoming LPGA superstars.

LPGAIt’s finally here. It’s the moment that Morgan Pressel has been waiting for since first qualifying for the 2001 U.S. Women’s Open at the tender age of 12 years old. Only five years later it’s time to qualify for the LPGA Tour!

Morgan will be among a field of 193 golfers vying for the chance to win the sectional qualifier which will eventually catapult her into the Professional Ladies Golf Association. It’s Morgan’s tournament to win or lose and I think she’s got a good chance of winding up on top.

On the tenth tee of the “Dinah” course at 7:37 am this morning unknowns Julie Turner and Ria Quiazon knew what it felt like to be in the spotlight as they teed off with an amateur who has already played and almost won on the LPGA tour this year. At only seventeen Morgan Pressel has already had a solid year’s worth of experience both on the amateur circuit winning the 105th U.S. Women’s Amateur tournament and on the professional circuit with a near victory at the U.S. Women’s Open. A spectacular sand save by Birdie Kim stopped Morgan from achieving her first win on the LPGA tour before taking her lumps at Q-School.

Volume Twenty-Seven

I hope you’re not too busy to check out this week’s links.

Hittin' the LinksOn Friday, I played in a scramble with a few guys from my office. We played great, shot -13 and ended up winning the the thing. It was a lot of fun. That score was the lowest I’ve ever been on a scramble team. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been in the double digits. I’m usually on the team who finishes -8.

What’s everyone’s lowest scramble score? Leave it in the comments. Now, on to the links.

Sorenstam Successful at Hammons Hotel Classic

Annika Sorenstam holds on to her lead and successfully defends her trophy at the John Q. Hammons Hotel Classic.

annika_sorenstam_trophy_hammonds.jpgIn the battle of the LPGA titans Annika Sorenstam takes the trophy this week. When Annika is in the lead heading into the final round of a tournament those that follow her should be ready to make a darn good challenge. Although Maria Hjorth took the lead in first round action with a 64 she still needed the ability to rally for two more days. Unfortunately she couldn’t put together the two good rounds necessary to keep Sorenstam from cozying up to the top spot on the leaderboard in second round action.

By the final round of the 54-hole tournament it was all Annika, even though rookie Paula Creamer rallied from a tie for fifth place climbing to second place on the scoreboard. Sorenstam held on with a 2-over par 73 while Creamer came on strong with a 2-under 69 to nearly grab the tournament from the number-one LPGA golfer in the world. In the end however, Annika prevailed.