Volume Thirty-Six

Hopefully these links will give you an appetite for Turkey Day!

Hittin' the LinksHas anyone had a chance to play any golf lately? I haven’t played at all. In fact, I’m beginning to plan my Christmas list and it needs to have a bunch of golf equipment. Does anyone have any recommendations of new and hot equipment I should add to my list? Leave it in the comments.

Now, on to the links.

Volume Thirty-Five

This week’s links are best-in-show.

Hittin' the LinksAnyone else bored this weekend while watching the Franklin Templeton Shootout? Man, I was. The only thing of interest was Jesper’s outfit. Speaking of which, is it just me, or does Ryan Moore look like he’s trying just a bit to hard on the fashion? He looks like he’s bought his pants at a thrift store and his shirt is his younger brother’s.

Enough of my fashion critique. Now, on to the links.

Volume Thirty-Four

Breathe easy, the links are here!

Hittin' the LinksI had some great weather in the nation’s capital this weekend, so I decided to play some golf. Bad idea. I played horrible and ended up getting so angry about it. It pretty much ruined my weekend. I haven’t been this upset on the course since I played in high school.

Anyway, enough about me. On to the links.

Volume Thirty-Three

Anyone want their linky-poo’s for this week?

Hittin' the LinksI packed my clubs up this past week and have been getting ready to retire for the season. A couple things I like to do is give them one last cleaning, new grips and unload any equipment that has treated me bad that year. I also come up with a few things to work on over the winter (i.e., fitness or mental). This year, I want to improve my posture over the ball and my core strength. Does anyone else have off-season goals?

Leave them in the comments. It’s links time.

Volume Thirty-Two

I’m dropping the links like they’re hot this week.

Hittin' the LinksSo, I’ve put a lid on my golf season. I just got back from Houston and playing some golf with my dad and brother. We had a good time with great weather, but I think, unfortunately, that will be all the golf had for me in 2005. I had fun and this year has really got me energized to find a place to play in 2006. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, I’d rank my enjoyment, quality of play, and improvement as a 7. Not a great year, but certainly not a bad year either. How has everyone’s year been? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Now, on to the links!

Volume Thirty-One

This week’s links are dedicated to everyone who made the Newport Cup happen.

Hittin' the LinksI had a great time with my fellow Sand Trappers this weekend at the Newport Cup. We had perfect weather, great courses, enjoyable company, and plenty of swings. It was a really enjoyable weekend and I think the Newport Cup could be something huge eventually.

I’m going to dedicate this week’s links to some of the things that made this possible.

Volume Thirty

This week’s links are brought to you by Carl Spackler. Enjoy.

Hittin' the LinksWell, it’s almost upon us. The pinnacle of my golf season will arrive on Saturday. It’s the point in my year where I must summon the golf gods and hope that they cast good fortunes my way. That’s right, it’s almost time for the Newport Cup. It should be a ton of fun. Hopefully all the rust and dust that has gathered will be forgotten when I take my first swing.

I’m sure there will be updates, but for now, here’s the links. Oh, and don’t forget to root for the red team!

Volume Twenty-Nine

This week’s links are sure to get you through a sleepy Monday morning.

Hittin' the LinksThe past few years I’ve had a real hard time getting out in the summer to play as much golf as I’d like. Mostly, because I’ve moved and don’t have the same core group of golfers I used to and my job responsibilities have increased. In the past, I would always play until late October, but the past two years, my season almost starts in October, and I like it. It’s not as hot, it’s cheaper, not as busy and I tend to play in other locations (my parents moved to Texas recently). So now, my season doesn’t end until December or January.

When do most of you put an end to your golf season? Leave it in the comments after you read the links!

Volume Twenty-Eight

Here’s a few links to keep you looking like you’re busy at work today!

Hittin' the LinksWhat a great weekend for golf! I wish there were more team matches in golf. It’s a fun aspect of the game that doesn’t get shown often enough. Aside from the US winning, I have two moments that I think I will always remember. The first is the look on Phil Mickelson’s face when he realized he didn’t halve his Sunday’s single match. That was funny. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. But my favorite moment had to be involving Fred Couples. Right after DiMarco hit the winning putt, all the US players were collecting around him hugging and things. Well, except for Freddie. He was running towards the scrum with his hands in the air, but no one was hugging him or welcoming him into the mob. It was hilarious. As Bill Simmons would say, this rated high on the unintentional comedy scale.

What was your favorite moment? Leave it in the comments after this week’s links.