Volume Forty-Five

Grab some coffee and a chair and tuck in to this week’s edition of Hittin’ the Links.

Hittin' the LinksI loved watching J.B. Holmes win this weekend. It’s great for the game to see some young guns play well on the Tour. He and Bubba Watson have created what seems to be the beginning of a change in the game and it couldn’t be better in timing. Just think about how Tiger is 2-for-2 and these guys are starting to gain confidence and experience. This could get interesting.

Now, on to the links.

Volume Forty-Four

This week we’ve got Jack Abramoff, golf pyramid schemes, and a Hunter S. Thompson article in the links.

Hittin' the LinksSo, the PGA Merchandise Show has come to an end. Anyone have the biggest winners or losers of the show? I would be like a kid in a candy store if I was able to attend this. All the gear!? Can you imagine?!

While I scour the web for all the coverage my little heart can take, I’ll leave you with the links.

Volume Forty-Three

This week’s links are sure to jump-start your week.

Hittin' the LinksHope you all enjoyed the celebrity-infused golf this weekend. I sure did. There’s something about watching celebs play golf that completely entices me. I get sucked into the television and lose hours of my life watching A-C list celebs hack it around the course.

I think I need to see someone about this problem. Now, on to the links.

Volume Forty-Two

I’m smuggling nine links across the border for you this week.

Hittin' the LinksTop of the mornin’ to ya! Is anyone else enjoying golf during prime time? I sure am. I’ve pretty much given up on television lately because there’s not much on. Usually I’ll end up reading or listening to music or watch a DVD, but the last two weeks, I’ve been able to watch a ton of golf.

I think we need to lobby the PGA to broadcast more during prime time. Your thoughts? Now, on to the links.

Volume Forty-One

Let’s get this party started with some new links this week. Enjoy.

Hittin' the LinksWell, the PGA Tour season has started, and honestly, I’m not that excited about it. Maybe I should qualify that with a “yet.” It seems like they just finished the 2005 season! And with the silly season, I didn’t even get a break. Maybe I’m one of the few who gets burned out from all the television coverage. But for me, I would rather watch golf when I can get inspired and go play right after. Am I the only one?

Now, on to the links.

Volume Forty

Here’s the first installment of the 2006 Hittin’ the Links column.

Hittin' the LinksHello everyone, I’m back. I hope everyone had a great holiday and that santa was good to you all. Can you believe the PGA Tour is getting ready to open the 2006 season? Me either.

I don’t have a lot to say, but look for some good links in the upcoming year.

Volume Thirty-Nine

A little holiday cheer in this week’s links.

Hittin' the LinksI’m not trying to offfend anyone, but Michael Campbell needs a fashion consultant. His wardrobe is rough. I like the design of his native country on his clothing, but it needs to be incorporated into the outfit better. I’ll gladly nominate myself as caddie/fashion consultant. Oh, and if I don’t get a chance to say it later, I hope everyone has a great holiday.

Now, this week’s links.

Volume Thirty-Eight

Here’s nine links to get you started on your week.

Hittin' the LinksTop of the morning to ya. It’s getting cold in my part of the world, so I haven’t really been doing too many golf-related activities. The free time has allowed me the ability to scour the Web for more golf links, but as always, if you have a link you think I might be interested in, let me know.

Now, on to this week’s links.

Volume Thirty-Seven

Left over turkey and cranberries goes well with this week’s links.

Hittin' the LinksI’m a Cincinnati Bengals fan, as well as a golf addict, so this weekend when I was watching the game and Chad Johnson scored, I was eagerly awaiting his end zone celebration. And, boy did he live up to the expectations. He used the pylon as a putter and did his best Tiger Woods impersonation in the end zone making a putt. I recommend watching Monday Night Countdown to see it.

Now, on to the links.