Volume Twenty-Seven

I hope you’re not too busy to check out this week’s links.

Hittin' the LinksOn Friday, I played in a scramble with a few guys from my office. We played great, shot -13 and ended up winning the the thing. It was a lot of fun. That score was the lowest I’ve ever been on a scramble team. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been in the double digits. I’m usually on the team who finishes -8.

What’s everyone’s lowest scramble score? Leave it in the comments. Now, on to the links.

Volume Twenty-Six

Get your week started off right by checking out these links.

Hittin' the LinksI totally forgot about golf this weekend, and that’s the first time that’s happened since I can remember. Well I guess I didn’t totally forget about it, I did catch an unpleasant sight of Laura Davies’ rear as I was channel surfing. But most of the weekend, I was wrapped up in college football (did anyone see my alma-mater Ohio University beat Pittsburgh in OT?) and the U.S. Open finals (tennis). I think Roger Federer is the greatest tennis player ever.

Anyway, enough about my weekend. Let’s look at some links.

Volume Twenty-Five

Even on a holiday weekend, we’re delivering the links to you. Enjoy.

Hittin' the LinksHappy Labor Day, all. I don’t know where you’re at, but in Washington DC, the weather is beautiful. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to get on the course this weekend, but hopefully family obligations and warm Bud Light haven’t prevented the rest of you from the ol’ hit-and-chase.

Let’s get right to the links.

Volume Twenty-Four

Take a few minutes to browse this week’s links. As always, there’s nine of them waiting for you.

Hittin' the LinksI’ve never played so much golf in my life. In three days, I played a total of 104 holes of golf. We played 45 on Thursday and Friday and 14 on Saturday (we were rained out the last four holes). My hands are sore, I think I strained my sternum, and my right butt cheek hurts from bending over to pick up my ball out of the cup and tee up my driver. But to be honest, I would do it all over again tomorrow. Man, I love this game.

Now, it’s time for the links.

Volume Twenty-Three

I need help with my upcoming golf trip, so while you’re reading this week’s links, think of ways to help me prepare.

Hittin' the LinksOn Wednesday evening, I leave for southern Ohio for a quick three-day golf trip with a few of my buddies. There’s some good golf there, and I’m from the area. We’re playing 36 on Thursday, 36 on Friday, and 18 on Saturday. The last time I played 36 holes in a day was when I was 17 and in a golf tournament. I’m a little concerned about how my stamina will be. I haven’t played that much this year and I imagine it will be hot.

If anyone has any tips for me on how to keep my scores low and my stamina high, leave it in the comments. Now, on to the links.

Volume Twenty-Two

If you get a chance to pull yourselves away from the Monday coverage of the PGA Championships, take a look at this week’s links.

Hittin' the LinksI hate waiting. I can’t imagine what these guys are thinking having to wait overnight to finish their rounds at the PGA Championship. Waiting will only hurt Tiger’s chances of winning. Do you think he really believes he stands a chance? I don’t. I think -5 will win it.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to hurry up and finish this week’s column so that I can watch the leaderboard on the Internet.

Volume Twenty-One

This week’s links are sure to put a smile on your face! Enjoy.

Hittin' the LinksSo the PGA Championship starts on Thursday, and I couldn’t be more excited. I like this major because there is always a no-namer that can contend and even win (see: Rich Beem, Shaun Micheel). This year, my pick is Tiger because I think he’s the hottest player in golf. My long-shot pick is Ian Poulter. I like his game and he’s played well in the majors and on U.S. turf.

Leave your picks in the comments. Now, on to the links.

Volume Twenty

Forget your morning paper! Grab some coffee and tune into this week’s links.

Hittin' the LinksWhen I saw on my calendar that today is the first day of August, I remembered that I have a golf trip scheduled for the end of this month where my friends and I are playing 36-36-18 in 3 straight days in the heat and humidity of August. My first thought was “Shoot, I’m not going to make it.” When I scheduled this thing, I didn’t really think much past the friends, the gambling (poker at night), and the beer. Now, I’m worried that I’ll not be able to finish.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to survive this golf trip? Also, any good gambling games are welcomed as well. Please leave comments after this week’s links.

Volume Nineteen

This week’s links will hopefully bring you a little “mo” to get through the work week.

Hittin' the LinksI think there’s a new word in the golf jargon dictionary. Tiger’s been using it, and I found myself saying all round yesterday. That word? “Mo.” As in momentum.

Tiger was saying it as a good thing, “Those two birdies really gave me some mo.” I was saying it like, “Crap, those two doubles are going to make it tough to recover.” Regardless of the type of mo you’re referring to, I really like it.

Here are this week’s links. If you’ve got some other good jargon to share, drop it in the comments.