I started playing when I was seven, which puts me about 26 years into this addiction. My mom taught me the game, which she picked up from her brother when she was growing up (dad didn't play until his 50's). I played all four years in high school, but not good enough or serious enough to play in college. But, while I was in college, I was working at a golf course and decided to become an assistant pro, which I did for about four years. Even met my wife at the last club I was at.
Fast forward to now, about eight years after leaving the golf business. I play once every couple of weeks, but that is getting ready to move to twice a week at least with a change in my work schedule. I don't hit the ball extremely long, but I'm a tick above average. I hit the ball VERY high, and usually straight, with just a slight draw when I am swinging well. My handicap is about a five right now, with my last two rounds being 84-74, so I have some consistency issues to work out. I plan on being in the mid-70's regularly by June.