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    Ayrshire, UK

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  • Index: 12.6
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. flipper


  2. Do your RSI2s have the tungsten insert in the toe of the 3,4,5? The old story im afraid, bought them on ebay from someone who already bought them on ebay. No serial numbers on any of them.
  3. Hi, the warranty is no good as it only covers the original purchaser.
  4. Hi All Recently purchased a set of RSI2s, but on close inspection noticed the rubber insert on the handlebar speed slots on some of the irons have split / sunk. Also there is no serial number on the 7 Iron, but from what ive heard thats not unusual. I've attached a couple of pics. Can any RSI2 owners help?
  5. Yesterday I played a round at a local championship course, and I used (not in any particular order) AD333 Nike something PRO V1 A yellow Srixon Z-Star Callaway CXR Red Pinnacle Titleist NXT Srixon Green Soft Feel Top Flite XL3000 As you see it was not a good round. I think there was more than that but everytime I lost one I just pulled another one out of the bag. I dont consider myself good enough yet to just use one type of ball. Although at my last lesson with my pro last week he told me to take a look at a Maxfli ball, which is last years penta.
  6. Hi All, first post, hope some of you can help. I have been playing for 4 years, had a few lessons but I just cant seem to get one move right. Take a look at the photos below- Just before / during / after impact, the arms pull apart, shortening the radius. At impact, the right arm is straight, and the left arm is severely bent. It's the classic duffers move as shown in any golf book you look in, including Hogans 5 lessons. The swing in general is the classic scoop / flipper move. When the club reaches parallel to the ground on the follow through, look at the contrived position my arms are in- The right arm is still way under the left, and the right arm has all the control. The picture below is probably as best as I can do, It has looked way worse than that before. I have tried some fixes for this like keeping the arms in tight to the body, having something trapped under the armpits etc, but for some reason it just doesn't work out. Sometimes the swing feels OK, but when I refer back to the video, it looks awful. I feel If I can crack this one thing, it will set me on the way. All ideas welcome. I do have a set of 4 lessons starting again in 3 weeks, but I'm looking for ideas in the meantime.
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