Like I said in my earlier post, your backswing is still way off. You are pulling the club behind you right now. To get a feeling of what is correct, literally just pull the club straight to the right on your upswing until you can't reach then start going up. It will probably be exaggerated but that is the only way to get the feeling and fix what you're doing. Once you do it a few times you will be able to feel the clubhead fall into the slot/on plane during your downswing instead of using your arms to try to get it into position right at impact. You could swing half as slow with half as much effort and let the clubhead do the work and hit twice as far as you are now.
To help with understanding what I'm saying. If you were to place a 2x4 lumber stick parallel to your feet on the nearest side of the ball facing you, on your backswing, keep your clubhead following the side edge of this 2x4 until you can't reach anymore and it lifts off the ground, then cock and go up. Feel like your arc is HUGE instead of this tight little baby arc your making right now. It will also work with an extra club laid on the ground parallel to your feet or no club at all as long as you understand the concept. This is your main problem and exactly how I used to hit it when I started. If you can figure this out and keep your head still, then you will have something to build off of instead of just hitting AT the ball with your arms all the time and you will see your swing start to improve drastically.