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About AnthonyJames

  • Birthday 01/01/1976

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  1. Thanks, Iacas! Just got the 3 releases!
  2. Hi, my son is 13, plays the game recreationally. Takes lessons periodically. We were going to start hitting the short game (5-60 yards) practice area at a nearby course a couple times a week this year -- he wants to consistently break 100, i'd like to dip into the 70's here and there. So, this would just be a part of those goals. :) i myself use a sort of simplified Pelz clock system with a 60 degree and 56 degree wedges for non-full swing shots - and practicing 1x week has dramatically increased my strokens gained for short game. now that the boy would like to practice with me regularly, i'm wondering if there's a system he should use or at least read up on. The short game bible is an option, but pretty complicated and not a super easy read. Any ideas? Also, he needs a good wedge or two. he's not quite tall enough for a men's set, so holding off on that. But i would buy him a good wedge or two if would help him out, i'd even splurge for a fitting if the gurus on here thought it worth the price -- i have my doubts but in the end, won't quibble about a few hundred bucks. Thoughts?
  3. spare pair of socks in the bag -- that's something i was thinking of after my last soaking... good idea!
  4. Hi, All! I'm a bit of a hack, play too much golf, and when conditions require it, i play in the rain. i often carry my bag (assuming a walkable course) but often in a cart also. Finally i've got enough gloves and a towels in the bag, but do you all have any recommendations on a good golf rain jacket that's not exorbitantly priced? Obviously this isn't an inexpensive sport, but when i look at these recommended rain jacket costs, it's insane (see link below). Do you have any ideas on a closer to $100 rain jacket? also, recommended "universal" bag cover? Seem to have misplaced my orginal one. Also, any other recommended gear for playing in the rain? THANKS! Best Golf Rain Gear 2023 | MyGolfSpy Bring on the rain. Are you a fair-weather golfer? Then this article isn’t for you. This golf rain gear buyer’s guide is for the grinders, the golfers who...
  5. AnthonyJames


  6. this guy's video seems to indicate that hitting up on the ball while driving is a good way to maximize distance. I guess that's what the trackman numbers everywhere seem to show. But is this guy's technique and advice good to follow? seems a little extreme, so wanted feedback from the experts. :)
  7. Has anyone done a game evaluation or program with these guys? what was your experience? it's expensive -- is it worth the money? http://www.catalystgolfperformance.com/ Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the feedback so far!! Regarding hitting it in the middle of the club face -- i'm definitely on that band wagon. using club face tape i was able to see that i was almost never hitting the center, but hitting near the toe. I adjusted slightly and now hit in the center of the club face much more often. Not always by any means, but more often. Definitely get a pop off the club face i didn't often get before. For me, it's the difference between a 205 yard drive and a 230 yard drive. Also, tends to be much less straight when not off the center -- mostly slicing. So the full equation is obviously, good swing mechanics, tempo, sequence, good swing path, hitting the center of the club face, not casting. Working on all these. but also looking for any tips on increasing swing speed, in and of itself...
  9. Hey, everyone. I have a Sports Sensors Swing Speed Radar and am hoping to increase my swing speed with the driver. See if i can get into the 260yard drives at some point. There's lots of exercises on the internet, fast twitch, isometric, etc. A few paid programs etc. I'm hoping for a 10-15 mph increase. What do you recommend?
  10. Hey all, i'm tired of my old three-ball Odyssey putters, and was thinking of going to a two ball or maybe even a blade. I'd also like to get two of the exact same putter, one for home/course and one for the office. :) Should i get fitted for a putter? where's the best place for this? I live in Chicago, so any specific recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!!!
  11. Break 80 in the next 12 months. Break 70 some day.
  12. EX-FC200S http://www.casio-intl.com/asia-mea/en/dc/ex_fc200s/ http://www.casio-intl.com/asia-mea/en/dc/ex_fc200s/spec/ Made for golf. video specs: Movies:FHD : 1920 x1080(30fps) / HD : 1280x720(15fps) / STD:640x480(30fps) / HS1000:224×64(1000fps) / HS 480 : 224 x160(480fps) / HS 240 : 512 x384(240fps) / HS 120 : 640 x480(120fps) / HS 30-240 : 512 x384(30 to 240fps) / HS 30-120 : 640 x480(30 to 120fps) about 450 from ebay -- not yet sold in US regularly. And I cannot see the club face at impact or even really see impact at all. Not sure how any camera under $1000 can. I see about as well as i used to with my 30fps Casio and wiht my iphone. Maybe i'm not doing it right? Regardless, 30fps or this are great for seeing swing path.
  13. I hit a nice draw with driver when I do that -- but always thought it was too much of a bandaid, so only used it when i was having real slice issues or really needed more of a draw. I may try that out on my driver and 3-wood, both of which occasionally suffer from too much fade occasionally (approaching slice...)
  14. Those arguments seem to say (and the videos show) that the ball is not compressed against the ground, but just against the club face. So hitting out of sand, if hit perfectly flush, should result in a similar hit as on grass. Hence, #2 could very well be true. Right?
  15. #1) I've also heard that when hitting down on the ball, you are not compressing the ball between the club and ground, but just compressing the ball against the clubface on impact. #2) I've heard from a friend that I can practice making perfect contact (on the sweetspot, hitting down on the ball) with irons by hitting the ball from the sand. If #1 is true, then #2 is possibly true. do you all agree with either of these?
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