I can post a quick comparison. Obviously, this comparison is only for me and my swing mechanics. I have a TM Burner ('07 model). I was curious about the differences between it and the new Tour Burner. I have played three rounds with the Tour Burner (demo club from local golf shop). My swing speed is around 95mph, I have a smooth transition, and I use the Regular stock shaft in both models. I am now down to a 14.5 index and my irons are my strong point. The '07 Burner is STRAIGHT and LONG for me. I don't care about the ability to work the ball with my driver. With the Tour Burner I had a much higher ball flight (not as much roll as the Burner) and I had a fade bias to the flight as well. Not a bad slice, but a definite fade. I think that is the reason for less distance I was seeing with the Tour Burner as opposed to the '07 model.
Now, the 3-4 times I hit it on the screws, the Tour Burner was scary long. I have one hole on my home course that has a creek at 300 yds from the teebox. I have gotten within a couple of yds of this creek with my '07 Burner on a handful of occasions (maybe 10-15% of the time). Probably 30 yds of this was due to roll. Now, with the Tour Burner, on one of three times at that hole, I put it in the creek (with a very high ball flight - so not as much roll). The other two times I was off to the right (further right than I ever had been with the '07 burner) and shorter, but still in play.
For me and my swing, the '07 Burner is a better club. More forgiving and plenty long enough for me. I would rather be in the fairway more often than be occasionally longer, but more inconsistent. Someone with a more acccomplished and consistent driver swing than mine might very well feel the Tour Burner is much better for them. To each his own.
I have NEVER said to myself after any hole "Wow, I could have shot par on that hole had my drive been 10-15 yds longer." The '07 burner is plenty long and plenty straight for me to the point that I don't need to monkey with other drivers.