Hi my name is Julien and I actually live in Canada, more partucularly near Montreal. I'm french but I am quite good in english. I am 15 year-old now and I'm an addict of golf. Recently, I met my golf pro. and start changing my swing. I'll eventually post a little video showing my swing. The snow is almost here in quebec so it's tough to practice a lot, but after school I go on the range and swing some balls, but at 5 o'clock, the sun is gone so... anyways, I think I'm a good golfer but I need a lot more practice and a lot more experience. My best game ever is a solid +1 (73) and my handicap is 8.5 but I am in constent progress. I'm lefty, I have a... 5 yards draw, I think that I'm a long hitter, well, fore my age, and my weight! ( 117 pounds
) I think that's it, if you have any questions, don't be shy, I'll answer you honestly!
Cheers, Julien