Hi all,
I'm fairly new to golf and not familiar with lots of the less-well-known rules.
Now I know you get a free drop if a ball is at rest on a sprinkler head/drain/the like. A drive of mine today ended up not on the drain itself, but on the downslope of grass leading down into the drain. I played it as it lay, as it was sitting up pretty well, but the guy I was playing with said that you got relief if your ball came to rest in a "manmade depression" and told me to take another from a drop (which I did to be polite, and had no other chance but to play from when he nicely picked up my original ball for me). This guy was moving his ball out of divots so I think he may not have been as much as a rules guy as he claimed, so I would like to get another opinion for future reference. To clarify/reiterate, the ball was on grass, but it was in a depression/on a downslope that would not be there but for the drain.