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  • Index: 13
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. duffedit


  2. Oh that sucks
  3. now that i'm watching it again i'm aimed right where i hit but it wasn't a good swing can anyone shead some light on what happend
  4. I was having the same problem my problem was my left wrist at impact
  5. I have improved alot this season from high 90s to 100s to mid to low 80s but i fix one problem and here comes another lol thats golf.... i was playing Friday and there was a guy out there doing video of peoples swings on the 10th tee.... and just so happens i hit my miss shot...here is the video which i think is a good thing instead of posting my good swings here is my miss off the tee.... i hit it straight but it was a push i barely missed the fairway right..... i got way behind i think and was luck to get some good timing but please help me on how to fix my miss hit....i was hooking the ball off the tee and now i'm pushing it about 1 in every 3 three driver swings my irons are better than ever but my driver has been killing me. http://videos.underpar.com/watch?v=102600 it was a sloppy downswing, but i guess that is whats happening when i get the push shot
  6. I do dip when i start do this...i usually start doing it on the back 9....i hook the ball really bad i think its because my hips have a really hard time getting through because my left shoulder is all jacked up
  7. Btw its only with my irons
  8. Ive been really working on my address position but im still losing my spine angle in my backswing. My left shoulder turnsand is past the ball but it goes straight down first so i losemy spine angle...ive had a few pros point this out to me ill stop it for awhile but it always comes back......anyone else have this problem....any drills or swing thoughts that might help me
  9. Ive been experimenting and its ethier straight or a big slice which is alot different then my snap hook ihad but my irons still have a little draw to them but when i uae my wrist the same way with my driver every 3 driver swings is a huge slice
  10. Ive been hooking ball lately but between getting my swing back on plane and getting a firmer left wrist at impact my irons are back and im hitting alot of greens again but i cant hit fairway... with my irons im trying to compress the ball and my ledt wrist is bowes towards my target. I cant ger the same feeling with my driver..obviously im not compressing the ball the same way but ahould my wriat position be the same on iron shots and driver
  11. I jump at the ball and regrip at the top this where my hook comes from ive hit a road block in my game and the little ive used thos drill it seems like it teachs tempo lag how to pull and not push on the downswing and is showing me the right left wrist position at impact
  12. I got me some new irons this weekend at the pga store....ap1s but the pro there watched my swing for about a hour and wants me to hit balls with my left arm only.... i have been hitting alot of right to left shoots will this help that....
  13. Last night as im working on not being so flat in my backswing i started the only way i can describe is fighting to keep my right elbos close to my body on the downswing it was almoat as if my elbow was getting ledt behind and when i would keep it close to my body i was really having to try to catch up with my body....i was hitting the ball well....is this right?
  14. Ok im going to the range tonight will definitely work on it
  15. Ive been hitting really good solid shots and pretty consistently the problem is my misses are BAD really bad maybe because im to flat and i make it hard to get back to a good impact position? I know that was a statement but it was really a question lol am i on the right track i like to understand why something is hurting or helping my swing
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