I have improved alot this season from high 90s to 100s to mid to low 80s but i fix one problem and here comes another lol thats golf.... i was playing Friday and there was a guy out there doing video of peoples swings on the 10th tee.... and just so happens i hit my miss shot...here is the video which i think is a good thing instead of posting my good swings here is my miss off the tee.... i hit it straight but it was a push i barely missed the fairway right..... i got way behind i think and was luck to get some good timing but please help me on how to fix my miss hit....i was hooking the ball off the tee and now i'm pushing it about 1 in every 3 three driver swings my irons are better than ever but my driver has been killing me.
it was a sloppy downswing, but i guess that is whats happening when i get the push shot