OK long story, was trying to follow the Surge Trahan PPS swing, when I found Paul's you tube videos.... eureka.... so I am starting to understand the swing finally, Paul is a great teacher...I then was cleaning out some books and found a book called The Natural Golf Swing by George Knudson which i had found at a used book store. I read the book back to front and it is exactly what Paul is teaching... the book even mentions how he looked at his swing like a machine. George speaks on concentrating on the target so does Paul, Paul speaks of spaghetti arms George says yo have to give up control to gain control, saying leave the arms alone. there are some differences like ball position . Any rate I don't care who's idea's are who's but at least pay some homage to the originator of the natural swing,,,,George had a great swing and Paul teaches the concepts very well. But there is one magic move which George speaks off but dosen't explain well, which once I figured it out understand what he was trying to say now I am laser perfect...I haven't seen Paul explain it yet as I haven't seen all his work so he may explain it.