I'm glad you appreciate my perspective. I've experienced most of the equipment advances since the Gutta Percha ball. :) When I was playing on my Junior College team in 1981, we were treated to an exhibition by Spaulding Staff players Dave Stockton, and Al Geiberger at Stockdale country Club in Bakersfield. They both had these weird metal clubs that they were demoing. The clubs seemed to have an abundance of weight in the sole, making it easy to get the ball airborne. To prove this, they were throwing balls in divots and hitting out of them with these fairway woods with astonishing results.
As soon as we were able, just about every one of us on that team had ourselves the new Taylor made "metalwood". I've still got that fairway driver, the original one. The next series was stamped "original one" on it, since they added a spoon and other clubs not long after. But mine is the first run in the production, and I wonder how much dough I could get for it if someone knew the history. Not that I want to sell it- it's still a superior club.
Society nowadays wants everything faster. That includes getting better at a sport, or a game, or anything. I have to disagree with you on clubhead size- I think the size is way over the top, making solid strikes far too easy with the driver. Not much has changed with the size of fairway woods, with the exception of materials and spring-like effect (great for distance, terrible for distance control). I just think the USGA dropped their pants for manufacturers back when all this technology started coming into play, because they feared the cost of litigation when the companies started saber rattling. That's why golf courses are designed differently now and classic ones are becoming obsolete. And I think that's a tragedy in the golf world.