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David Hebert

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About David Hebert

Your Golf Game

  • Index: 34

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  1. Hello, My superstitions are: praying that the golf gods are already satisifed and there is no need for them to consume any more water balls for the day! I also try to ward them off with cigar smoke, one for the 1st nine and 1 for the second. David http://www.prostoregolf.com
  2. So you want to know how far I hit my clubs: Driver - against the golf cart 3 iron - straight down to the ground 4 iron - 3 feet from where my golf buddies are standing 5 iron - into the nearest tree 6 iron - not at all (brand new) 7 iron - until the hosel separates 8 iron - until I only have half left to hit with 9 iron - gingerly, its a pricey club PW - into the nearest sand trap, on Putter - enough to create a divit near the hole Actually, I hit the ball alot further! David http://www.prostoregolf.com
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