I am handicap 20 but as I explained in a post, I have more difficulties with woods than irons as I play more often on Par3 for different reasons.
I was thinking of pro versions because where I live in Spain, I can only test clubs in a general sports superstore and the regular 825 come only in graphite shaft and I have always played steel shaft and I do not like graphite ones.
So the steel options were JPX825 Pro, AP2, Ping Anser and Inesis td tour 901 (Inesis is the brand for the superstore which is played by Thomas Levet). All these irons are forged and honestly feeling is so much better. Of course, mishits are punished in a stronger way but still I have a much better feeling. Reg JPX825 feel much harder...
Finnaly, I discarded AP2 and Ping Anser as not fitting in my price range so my next step is to go to a local pro shop and get fitted for JPX Pro but they no longer sell JPX800 Pro so I wanted to know if there were many differences justifying the price difference (130$).
Well, I hope it clarifies a little bit. English is not my mother tongue so I can get quite confusing with my explanations.