Hello everyone, I live in central Texas, am 43 yrs. old, returning to the game after a 8 year lay off. I play at least once a week. I have upgraded my equipment to what I think is good. I play the Ping g-20 irons, a Taylormade super fast driver, an older taylormade 3 wood and Cleveland sand wedge(oldies but goodies), and Rossie 2 putter. I would like to play as goos as I did 8 years ago, I have been back for about 6 months, but my progress is limited. I am open to any suggestions for improvement. My troubles are really off the box, no consistent shot shape. Most courses I play the driver is out most of the time. I know I probably won`t crush the ball like I used too, I just need some tips to be in play. Thank you in advance for any words of wisdom.