The last ten years have been very up and down for me and my game of golf. Through various injuries, illnesses and divorce I have quit playing the game over the past ten years three time. Each time I believed that was it that was the end of my experience with golf. Yet here I am just a few days away from placing my feet on that first tee and taking a journey out into that green to take on the joy and sorrow that may await me. Two years one time, One and a half years another time, One year this time I quit in the last ten years but never really walked away. Each time friends and co-workers would ask when and I would say I don't think so. Yet after all those kind inquiries and invitations that I have politilety turned down there would always come one that created in my a mad dash to retool and once again journey out into the links. I don't know how long I'll play but if I am to play the days are running by faster than ever. The chances of being out there among friends sharing stories and laughter will run their course all too soon. The belief that walking on the first tee that I might break 80 this day is probably more of a dream that reality. Still with golf we can hit that one one two shots that matches the best of them and there is no else where that can occur for me at this time of life. So here I go. I journey again to find my way and myself somewhere between the 12th and 13th hole where I once again began that grand illusion, a golfer.